Every day, the supermarket bought back a batch of T-shirts from other places with 50000 yuan. Due to the good sales, the mall urgently allocated 186000 yuan to buy back T-shirts that were twice as much as the first time. However, the second time was 12 yuan more expensive than the first time. The mall sold them at the price of 80 yuan. In order to shorten the inventory time, the last 400 T-shirts were sold out at a discount of 6.5% How much is the profit of the Communist Party of China?

Every day, the supermarket bought back a batch of T-shirts from other places with 50000 yuan. Due to the good sales, the mall urgently allocated 186000 yuan to buy back T-shirts that were twice as much as the first time. However, the second time was 12 yuan more expensive than the first time. The mall sold them at the price of 80 yuan. In order to shorten the inventory time, the last 400 T-shirts were sold out at a discount of 6.5% How much is the profit of the Communist Party of China?

Let x pieces be purchased for the first time, then the number of pieces to be purchased for the second time is 3x. (1 point) according to the meaning of the question, we get 50000x + 12 = 1860003x. (3 points) solve the equation, and we get x = 1000. After testing, X = 1000 is the solution of the original equation. The solution of the original equation is x = 1000. (2 points). The number of pieces to be purchased for the second time is 3x = 3 × 1000 = 3000. (1 point). The total profit of the shopping mall in these two businesses is 1000 × 8 0-50000 + 2600 × 80 + 400 × 80 × 65% - 186000 = 72800 yuan. (3 points) a: the mall made a total profit of 72800 yuan in these two businesses

A supermarket used 50000 yuan to buy back a batch of T-shirts, and the shopping mall urgently allocated 186000 yuan to purchase T-shirts twice as much as the last time, but the price of the second time was higher than that of the first time

First purchase price x
Total income = (4000-400) * 80 + 400 * 80 * 0.65 = = 288000 + 20800 = 308800 yuan
So the profit is 308800-236000 = 72800 yuan
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In order to promote a commodity with the same price, supermarket a, supermarket B and supermarket C cut prices by 20% twice in a row, 40% at a time in supermarket B, 30% at the first time in supermarket C and 10% at the second time. Which supermarket is more cost-effective for customers to buy this commodity
A. B. B. C. C. D

According to the meaning of the question: A, 80% × 80% = 64% B, 60% C, 70% × 90% = 63% B. It's more cost-effective for supermarkets to buy this kind of goods

Supermarket a, B and C promote a product with the same price. Supermarket a reduces the price by 15% twice in a row; supermarket B reduces the price by 30% once; supermarket C reduces the price by 20% for the first time and 10% for the second time. Which supermarket do you think is more cost-effective? (  )
A. A B. B C. C D. the three supermarkets are the same

If the original price is set as m, the price of supermarket a is (1-15%) (1-15%) M = 72.25% m after two consecutive price reductions, that of supermarket B is (1-30%) M = 70% m after one-time price reduction of 30%, that of supermarket C is (1-20%) (1-10%) M = 72% m after the first price reduction of 20% and the second price reduction of 10%

The absolute value of 2x-3y = () if the result of the combination of the binomial - the power of 2x-1 of half a, the power of 4 of B and the power of Y + 1 of quadratic B of half a is the power of 4 of square B of A


Find the answer to an optional 2-1 exercise in high school mathematics
Line AB is in plane α, line AC ⊥ α, line BD ⊥ AB, and ab = 7, AC = BD = 24, CD = 25, find the angle between line BD and plane α_
It's better to solve it by vector method

The angle between line BD and plane α is 30 degrees

The original price of a commodity is 300. First, the price is reduced by one tenth, then the price is increased by one tenth. What's the current price?

First reduce the price by one tenth: 300-300 × 10% = 270
One tenth of price increase: 270 + 270 × 10% 297

The square of 1 plus the square of 2 is added to the square of 123456789 to find the single digits of the sum
Method of solving

The square of 1 plus the square of 2 is added to the single digit of the square of 123456789
=1 / 2 * 123456789 (123456789 + 1) (2 * 123456789 + 1)
=Single digit of 9 * 5 * 9 = 5

Math problems (chicken and rabbit in the same cage)
1. Mother pine tree picks 20 pine nuts every day on sunny days and 12 pine nuts every day on rainy days. She picks 112 pine nuts for several days in a row, with an average of 14 per day. How many rainy days are there in these days?
2. Frogs have four legs, butterflies have six legs and two pairs of wings, cicadas have six legs and one pair of wings. There are 27 three kinds of animals, 138 legs and 22 pairs of wings. How many are there in each animal?
3. There are 138 feet in the same cage. There are 12 more chickens than rabbits. How many are there in each cage?
It will be solved in the near future
If you use the equation, please solve it part by part. If you use the mathematical method, please let people understand or explain it

1. Suppose there are x rainy days and Y sunny days, then
The solution is x = 2, y = 6
That is, six of these days are rainy
2. Suppose that there are x frogs, y butterflies and s cicadas
The solution is x = 12, y = 7 and S = 8
3. Suppose there are x chickens and Y rabbits
The solution is x = 31, y = 19

On Sunday, Xiao Ming bought some apples for his classmates. He ate all 59 apples, 3 less. When his mother came home, she brought back 31 more. As a result, the number of apples now is 20% more than before. How many apples did Xiao Ming buy?

Suppose there are x apples, the equation is: (1-59) x + 3 + 31 = (1 + 20%) X. & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 49x + 34 = 120% x, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 3445x = 34, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 45