A cylindrical container a with a height of 8 cm and a volume of 50 ml is filled with water. Now put a 16 cm long cylinder B vertically so that the bottom of B is in line with a When B is picked up from a, the height of water in a is 6cm, and the volume of cylinder B is calculated

A cylindrical container a with a height of 8 cm and a volume of 50 ml is filled with water. Now put a 16 cm long cylinder B vertically so that the bottom of B is in line with a When B is picked up from a, the height of water in a is 6cm, and the volume of cylinder B is calculated

The height of cylinder a is 8 cm. When B is taken out, the height of water becomes 6 cm, that is, three-quarters of the original height, so the volume becomes three-quarters of the original height, that is, the overflow water is one-quarter of the cylinder, which is 12.5 ml. this is the volume of the part B put into cylinder a. the length of B is 16 cm, and only half of it is put into cylinder a, so the volume of cylinder B is 2 × 12.5 = 25 ml

A cuboid glass container, with a bottom area of 250 square centimeters and a height of 12 centimeters, contains 6 centimeters of water
When a stone is put into the water, the water surface rises by 4cm. What is the volume of the stone?

The key to this problem is to understand that the volume of water rising is the volume of stone
Volume of stone = volume of rising water = 250 × 4 = 1000 cubic centimeter

Why is the first layer of the atomic electron cloud 2

The formation of cycle 1 is due to the fact that the k layer can hold up to two electrons. 2,3 is due to the fact that the LM layer can hold up to eight electrons when there are no electrons in 4S. 4,5 is due to the fact that when there are electrons in 4S and 5S respectively, the electrons can enter 3D and 4D, so it takes 18 electrons to enter the outer layer (that is, NS1, which is an alkali metal element) to start a new cycle, The results show that there are 18 elements in the period of 6 s and 7 s. The emergence of lanthanides and actinides is due to the fact that 4f 5F begins to have electrons in the presence of 6S and 7S. Therefore, there are 18 + 14 elements in the period of 6 s (the maximum number of electrons that F can hold) = 32
The 2n2 rule is shown in the table below
The number of layers includes the maximum number of electrons that the orbit can hold
1 S 2
2 S p 2+6=8
3 S p d 2+6+10=18
4 S p d f 2+6+10+14=32
5 S p d f g 2+6+10+14+18=50
6 S P D F G + some 2 + 6 + 10 + 14 + 18 + 22 = 72
7 S P D F G + some 2 + 6 + 10 + 14 + 18 + 22 + 26 = 98
It is observed that if there are more than 112 elements, these elements will also conform to this rule when they constitute the periodic table of elements
More details are here:

Is acetic acid acetic acid

Yes, they are the same substance. The chemical composition is CH3COOH. It is the component of vinegar in our daily life, but the concentration is relatively thin

When can f – mg = ma be used

When the force F is opposite to the direction of gravity, find out the influence on the object

On the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of LN. Please master teach, how to calculate?
For example, LN 1 - LN 2; ln 1 + LN 2; ln 1 * LN 2; ln 1 / LN 2

ln 1 - ln 2 = - ln2 = ln(1/2)
ln 1+ ln 2 = ln2
ln 1* ln 2 = 0,ln 1/ ln 2 = 0

Which direction is 10 degrees east longitude at 160 degrees west longitude
What is the longitude difference

East, the longitude difference is 170 degrees

There is a non-zero natural number. If 3 is used to remove less 1, if 5 is used to remove less 3, if 7 is used to remove less 5, what is the minimum natural number?

Because the minimum non-zero natural number is 1, so (x + 1) / 3 = 1, x = 2
(x+3)/5=1 x=2
(x+5)/7=1 x=2
So x = 2, that is to say, the minimum of this natural ripening is 2

Try to judge the number of real number solutions of the equation SiNx = X100 π

The number of real number solutions of the analytic equation SiNx = X100 π is equal to the number of image intersections of the functions y = SiNx and y = X100 π ∵ | SiNx | ≤ 1 | | X100 π | ≤ 1, | x | ≤ 100 π when x ≥ 0, as shown in the right figure, there are 100 intersections of the two lines, because y = SiNx and y = X100 π are odd functions

One hour equals 60 minutes, and 0.6 hours equals 36 minutes, right?
One hour is equal to 60 minutes, and 0.6 hour is equal to 36 minutes, because there are 12 spaces in an hour, not 10 spaces. It can be said that it is in 12 base, that is to say, it doesn't enter 1 until 10, it doesn't enter 1 until 12
If one hour is equal to 60 minutes and 0.6 is equal to 36 minutes, does it mean that one hour is divided into 60 parts and every six parts is 0.1 hours, so 0.6 is 36 minutes and 0.9 is 54 minutes? But have you ever thought that it's time to come? Have you ever seen a clock divided into ten squares

Each grid is also divided into 5 grids, which are 60 base