In a 6-decimeter-long, 4-decimeter-wide and 3-decimeter-high rectangular glass jar, the water depth is 2 decimeters, The water depth becomes 2. Find the volume of the iron ball

In a 6-decimeter-long, 4-decimeter-wide and 3-decimeter-high rectangular glass jar, the water depth is 2 decimeters, The water depth becomes 2. Find the volume of the iron ball

6 * 4 * (2.5-2) = 12 square decimeters
The volume of the iron ball is 12 square decimeters

A sealed glass jar with a length of 10m, a width of 8cm and a height of 6cm is filled with 240ml water, which is placed on the table with different surfaces as the bottom. What is the minimum height of water and what is the maximum height of water

240/(10*8) = 3cm
240/(10*6) = 4cm
240/(6*8) = 5 cm
The minimum height is 3cm and the maximum height is 5cm

A sealed cuboid glass jar with a small amount of water is 10 cm long, 6 cm wide and 5 cm high
Among them, the lowest height of the water surface is 2 cm, and how many cm is the highest height of the water surface?

The minimum height of the water surface is 2 cm and the maximum height is 5 cm

Use a 20 cm long and 15 cm wide rectangular sheet iron to make a 5 cm high rectangular sheet iron box without cover
How much is the volume? It's best to use the equation solution, otherwise use other methods

X = 250 cm3

Set the table and chair in the following way: one table can seat 4 people, two tables can seat 6 people, and how many people can n tables seat?

Our teacher talked about 2n + 2 in class
The exact answer
Vote for me

3 / 10 square meters = () square decimeters (in fractions)

3 / 10 sq m = (300 / 10 sq m)

There are 120 books in the book corner of the class, of which 60 are story books, 20 are comic books, and the rest are science and technology books. (1) 120 × 60%______ (2)120×20%______ (3)120×(1-60%-20%)______ (4)60%÷20%______ (5)(60%-20%)÷60%______ (6)(60%-20%)÷20%______ .

(1) How many 120 × 60% story books are there; (2) how many 120 × 20% comic books are there; (3) how many 120 × (1-60% - 20%) science and technology books are there; (4) what percentage of 60% – 20% story books are there; (5) how many percentage of 60% – 20% comic books are less than those of story books; (6) how many percentage of 60% – 20% story books are more than those of story books


2/(1*3)+|1/2-1/4|+2/(3*5)+|1/4-1/6|+2/(5*7)+|1/6-1/8|.2/(27*29)+|1/28-1/30|=(1-1/3+1/3-1/5+1/5-1/7+…… +1/27-1/29)+(1/2-1/4+1/4-1/6+1/6-1/8+…… +1/28-1/30)=(1-1/29)+(1/2-1/30)=28/29+7/...

What is the measurement unit of liquid volume

Ml or L

Primary school sixth grade Chinese birch

Betula platyphylla
In front of my window,
There is a birch,
It's like silver frost,
Covered with snow
Hairy branches,
The lace of snow embroidery is natural and unrestrained,
Clusters of flowers bloom together,
The white fringe is picturesque
In the dim silence,
The white birch stands on the jade,
In the golden light
Snowflakes are shining brightly
Birches roam around
The late morning glow,
It looks at the snowy branches
Another layer of silver luster
It's hard to fight,