A sealed cuboid glass can, 30cm long, 18cm wide and 12cm high. When it is square, the water depth inside is 9cm. When it is placed on the side, what is the water depth?

A sealed cuboid glass can, 30cm long, 18cm wide and 12cm high. When it is square, the water depth inside is 9cm. When it is placed on the side, what is the water depth?

According to the same volume of flat and side, the equation is as follows:
The depth of water is x cm
When placed horizontally: v = 30 * 18 * 9
When placed on the side:
The results are as follows
A: X = 22.5 cm
B: X = 13.5 cm

There is a cuboid glass jar, measuring 30cm in length and 18cm in width from inside. The water depth in the jar is 12cm. After a stone is intruded into the water, the water surface rises to 17cm. Calculate the volume of the stone

30 * 18 * (17-12) = 2700 cm3

In a 30cm cube glass water tank with a water depth of 18cm, a 12cm long and 9cm wide rectangular stone bar was placed to completely submerge it
Make it completely submerged in the water, when the water rose 1.2cm, how high is this stone?

30*30*1.2=1080 cm³
1080÷(12*9)=10 cm
The stone is 10 cm high

Simple mathematical calculation 125 times 26 times 83

There is no easy algorithm for this problem

The limit Lim f (x) x approaches to zero if and only if?

Heine's theorem: for any sequence {xn} approaching to 0, its function value sequence {f (xn)} has the same limit, Lim f (x) x approaching to zero

Given that x = 2 is the solution of the equation AX + 3 = - 3-x about X, find the value of 3 (a + 1) & sup2; - 3a


1.37 ^ 2 + 2 * 1.37 * 6.83 + 8.63 ^ 2 =? (simple method calculation) important process


Calculate 27 ^ m △ 9 ^ n · 3

=3^(3m)÷[3^(2n)·3 ]

It is known that 4x ^ 2-3x + 1 = a (x-1) + B (x-1) + C holds for any x value, so find the value of 4A + 2B + C. thank you,

Left side: 4x ^ 2-3x + 1 right side: ax ^ 2 - 2aX + A + BX - B + C = ax ^ 2 - (2A - b) x + (2 - B + C) both sides of the same degree coefficient should be the same, that is 4 = a - 3 = - (2A - b) 1 = a - B + C a = 4 B = 5 C = 24a + 2B + 2 = 28

Simple calculation: 7.65 * 72.5 + 7.65 + 76.5 * 2.65
