A cuboid glass jar is 4 decimeters long, 3 decimeters wide and 5 decimeters high. After pouring water, the water depth is 3.5 decimeters, and the poured water is () liters A. 60B. 42C. 52.5

A cuboid glass jar is 4 decimeters long, 3 decimeters wide and 5 decimeters high. After pouring water, the water depth is 3.5 decimeters, and the poured water is () liters A. 60B. 42C. 52.5

4 × 3 × 3.5 = 42 (cubic decimeter) = 42 (liter). A: the volume of water poured in is 42 liters

Pour 18 cubic decimeters of water into a 3-decimeter-long, 2-decimeter-wide and 4-decimeter-high cuboid glass tank. The water surface is () decimeters away from the tank mouth

1 decimeter

A cuboid glass jar is 5 decimeters long and 3 decimeters wide. The depth of the existing water is 1.5 decimeters. When a stone is immersed in water, the depth of the water is 2 decimeters. How many cubic decimeters is the volume of the stone?

5 × 3 × (2-1.5), = 15 × 0.5, = 7.5 (cubic decimeter); a: the volume of this stone is 7.5 cubic decimeter

Simplify a radical,
[simplification] Four Thirds power of a minus 2A plus two thirds power of a under the root sign (a is greater than 0 but less than 1)


How many meters is one cubic meter

The cubic meter is the unit of volume, the meter is the unit of length, it can't be measured

As shown in the figure, in the plane rectangular coordinate system,
Given points a (- 5,0), B (5,0), D (2,14), the Y-axis of ad intersection is at point C
(1) Find the coordinates of point C;
Done, coordinates of C (0,10)
(2) Starting from point B, the moving point P moves along the direction of BA at a speed of 1 unit per second, while starting from point C, the moving point Q also moves along the positive half axis of Y axis at a speed of 1 unit per second (when point P moves to point a, both points stop moving),
a) Please use the algebraic formula containing x to represent the coordinates of P and Q respectively;
Done, P (10-x, 0) Q (0,10 + x)
b) When x is a few seconds, the area of △ Apq is 32 square units?
Done, 6 seconds
c) When x = 2 seconds, is there a point E on the y-axis such that the area of △ AQE is equal to the area of △ Apq? If so, find the coordinates of E. if not, explain the reason
Well, but please find out the coordinates of C, only in the way of grade one!

(2) When 0 ≤ x ≤ 5, P (5-x, 0) Q does not change (0,10 + x) 5 ≤ x ≤ 10, P (x-5,0) Q (0,10 + x) B. during the movement of △ Apq, its area is always AP × OQ / 2 ∵ the area of ∵ Apq is 3

What is 7 out of 10 times 101-7 out of 10

101 times 7 / 10 minus 7 / 10

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 please use your brains and add the appropriate operation symbols between these numbers to make 100 appear


What are the Chinese Texts in Volume 2 of grade 4 of Hebei Education Press?

Hebei Education Press grade 4 Chinese volume 2 Contents 1. Two ancient poems and lyrics stay in xugongdian qingpingle (song) Xin Qiji 2. Skylight 3 *. Happy football match 4. Luye boat 5. Girl Wuta 6. Our cat 7. Little lion Elsa 8 *. Shoes on the tree 9. Old man and bird 10. The way of nature 11. The heart that can't be locked 12. Songs of small streams 13 * growing 14

