In a cylindrical bottle with a bottom radius of 10 cm, the water depth is 8 cm. To put a piece of iron in the bottle, which is 8 cm in length and 15 cm in width and 15 cm in height, how many cm does the water surface rise when the iron is placed vertically in the water?

In a cylindrical bottle with a bottom radius of 10 cm, the water depth is 8 cm. To put a piece of iron in the bottle, which is 8 cm in length and 15 cm in width and 15 cm in height, how many cm does the water surface rise when the iron is placed vertically in the water?

3.14 × 102 × 8 ^ (3.14 × 102-8 × 8) - 8, = 2512 ^ 250-8, = 10.048-8, = 2.048 (CM), a: the water surface has risen by 2.048 cm

In a cylindrical glass bottle with a bottom radius of 10 cm and a water depth of 8 cm, an iron block of 8 cm in length and width and 15 cm in height should be put into the bottle
① If the iron block is placed horizontally in the water, how many centimeters will the water surface rise
② If the iron block is placed vertically in the water, how many centimeters will the water surface rise
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(1) The water surface rises when it is laid horizontally: 8 × 8 × 15 △ (3.14 × 102),
06 (CM);
A: the water rose 3.06 cm when it was laid horizontally
(2) The water surface rises when it is placed vertically: 3.14 × 102 × 8 △ (3.14 × 102-8 × 8) - 8,
=048 (CM),
A: the water surface has risen by 2.048 cm

According to season, is the sun near or far from the earth in summer

At the beginning of July, the earth is near the apogee; at the beginning of January, the earth is near the perihelion
In the northern hemisphere, winter is near and summer is far. But in summer, the earth is close to the point of direct sunlight, and in winter, the earth is far away from the point of direct sunlight. The closer the earth is to the point of direct sunlight, the more solar radiation heat it gets and the higher the temperature it gets

Help solve a few junior high school secondary application of one yuan
1. The sum of two numbers is 8 and the product is 9.75
2. The difference between two adjacent sides of a rectangle is 3cm, and the area is 4cm
3. The bottom of a right angle trapezoid is 2cm larger than the top, 1cm smaller than the top, and the area is 8cm. How much is the top?
4. The length to width ratio of a rectangle is 5:2, the height is 5cm, and the surface area is 40cm

1. Let x + y = 8, xy = 9.75
2. The same as above, X-Y = 3, xy = 4, we can know the length of two sides x square * y square = Z square
3. Same as above, X-Y = 2, x-z = 1 (x + y) Z / 2 = 8
4. No problem. The length is 10 and the width is 4

After a parallelogram is cut and complemented, it is a square. The perimeter of the square is 16 cm. The area of the parallelogram is______ Square centimeter

16 △ 4 = 4 (CM), 4 × 4 = 16 (cm 2). Answer: the area of parallelogram is 16 cm 2

How to use 2.55 * 1.5 + 1.5 + 6.45 * 1.5


Simplify 2 − sin22 + Cos4=______ .

2 − sin22 + Cos4 = 2 − sin22 + (& nbsp; cos22 − sin22) = 3cos22 = 3 | Cos2 | = - 3cos2, so the answer is: - 3cos2

There is a 1m wide stone road around a flower garden with a radius of 7m. How about the area of this stone road?

π × (7 + 1) & # 178; - π × 7 & # 178; = 17 π M & # 178;

The simplest integer ratio of 7 / 9 to 2 is (), and the ratio is ()

The simplest integer ratio of 7:2 is (7:18), and the ratio is (7 / 18)

In the sequence {an}, A1 = 2, an + 1 = 1 / 2 (an + 1 / an), {BN} times log (an + 1 + 1 / an - 1) = 1
1. The sequence {BN} is an equal ratio sequence and the general term formula is obtained
In the sequence {an}, A1 = 2, a (n + 1) = 1 / 2 [an + (1 / an)], BN times in the sequence {BN}
Log with 9 as the base [(an) + 1] / [(an) - 1] is the subject clear? I'm sorry for the carelessness

bn/b(n-1)=(log(9)(a(n-1)+1)/(a(n-1)-1))/log(9)((an+1)/(an-1))=log((an+1)/(an-1)) (a(n-1)+1)/(a(n-1)-1)=1/2