Birch style is (), the author is () poet (). Poetry centers on (), expressing the poet's love for () and () emergency

Birch style is (), the author is () poet (). Poetry centers on (), expressing the poet's love for () and () emergency

Are you talking about the birch by yesenin? Birch: the genre is (Poetry), and the author is (Russian Pastoral) poet (Sergei alexandrovitch yesenin). The poem centers on (Birch), expressing the poet's love for (hometown) and (nature)

The six poems in Shi Hai Shi Bei can be divided into three parts___________ Poetry and_________ The words of the sun and the birch belong to poetry
The six poems in Shi Hai Shi Bei can be divided into three parts___________ Poetry and_________ The words of the sun and the birch belong to two categories of poetry________ They are different from the former four in form______________ .

It can be divided into narrative poetry and lyric poetry. The words of the sun and the birch belong to lyric poetry. They are obviously different from the former four in form because they belong to modern poetry

What emotion does it express?
Bai Hua is a poem written by the famous Russian poet yesenin. What thoughts and feelings does it express?

The white birch takes the white birch as the central image, and describes its beauty from different angles. The snow covered, snow embroidered lace, and white fringes are shining in the morning glow, covered with silver frost, blooming flowers, graceful and graceful, showing a kind of noble beauty. The white birch in the poem has both color change and dynamic beauty, It is a symbol of noble personality. This poem shows the poet's love for his hometown and nature

The speed of car a is 75% of that of car B. the two cars run from a and B to each other at the same time and meet at the midpoint of 5km. What's the distance between a and B?

(5 × 2) △ 1-75%, = 10 △ 25%, = 40 (km); 40 × 75% = 30 (km); 40 + 30 = 70 (km); a: the distance between a and B is 70 km

It is known that the two sides of an isosceles triangle are 5cm and 11cm respectively

① When 5cm is the waist length, the three sides of the triangle are 5cm, 5cm, 11cm respectively, ∵ 5 + 5 = 10 < 11, ∵ at this time, the triangle can not be formed; when 5cm is the bottom length, the three sides of the triangle are 5cm, 11cm, 11cm respectively, at this time, the triangle can be formed. Therefore, the perimeter = 5 + 11 + 11 = 27cm. To sum up, the perimeter of this isosceles triangle is 27cm

How many triangles are there if the side lengths of the angle ABC are all integers and the side lengths of the largest side are 6

1662562663463563664464564655656666, so there are 12

Xiaojun, Xiaolong and Xiaoyong go to the store to buy bread. Xiaojun buys five loaves, Xiaolong four loaves and three for each. According to the price, Xiaoyong should pay Xiaojun and Xiaolong 9 yuan, and he should give Xiaojun () yuan
A. 3 yuan B. 6 yuan C. 9 yuan

9 △ 3 = 3 (yuan), 3 × (5-3) = 6 (yuan) a: he should give Xiaojun 6 yuan

When the side length of a square is doubled, the area increases by 36.76 square centimeters. What is the original square area?

36.76 / (3 * 3) = 4.08, which means that the current side length is 3 times of the original side length. Square area = side length times side length. Current area = (3 * original side length) times (3 * original side length)

Sequence {an} A1 = 4 Sn + Sn + 1 = 5 / 3 an + 1 find an those 1 are subscripts

s(n)+s(n+1) = (5/3)a(n+1),s(1)+s(2)=2a(1)+a(2)=(5/3)a(2),2a(1)=(2/3)a(2),a(2)=3a(1)=12.
(5/3)[a(n+2)-a(n+1)] = [s(n+1)-s(n)] + [s(n+2)-s(n+1)] = a(n+1) + a(n+2),
(2/3)a(n+2) = (8/3)a(n+1),
{a (n + 1)} is an equal ratio sequence with the first term of a (2) = 12 and the common ratio of 4
n> When a = 2, a (n) = 3 * 4 ^ (n-1)

A roller, the diameter of the front wheel is 1 meter, the width of the wheel is 1.2 meters, and the front wheel rolls 20 cycles per minute. How many square meters of the road is pressed forward for one minute?

One minute forward distance: 3.14 × 1 × 20 = 62.8 (meters); one minute road surface: 62.8 × 1.2 = 75.36 (square meters); answer: one minute road surface: 75.36 square meters