18 across a hundred years of beautiful text main content, key sentence analysis

18 across a hundred years of beautiful text main content, key sentence analysis

The text "beauty over a hundred years" is an excerpt of Liang Heng's prose of the same name (published in the fourth issue of talent in 1994). This is an article praising Madame Curie. The article takes "beauty" as the main line, and shows that Madame Curie's beauty lies not in her appearance, but in her heart and personality. She has made great contributions to mankind and realized her life value
Sentence analysis
(1) Understanding of sentences
① Her report shocked the whole audience, physics entered a new era, and her beautiful and solemn image was fixed in history and everyone's heart
"Her report" announced an amazing discovery: the natural radioactive element radium. "Her beautiful and solemn image" refers to "a long black dress", "a white and dignified face", "a firm and slightly indifferent look", "slightly sunken eyes", and also implies the perseverance behind this image, This sentence describes Madame Curie's great contribution to science
② This beautiful light blue fluorescence, into a woman's beautiful life and unyielding faith
"Light blue fluorescence" was produced by 0.1 gram radium extracted by Madame Curie in three years and nine months, which is her achievement. This achievement was obtained at the cost of Madame Curie's smoky fire and fatigue, This achievement is also the result of Madame Curie's belief that "other substances are radioactive", so it is integrated with "unyielding belief". This sentence is a praise of Madame Curie's unremitting dedication in scientific research
③ This valuable character and lofty pursuit made Marie Curie complete the discovery of nature and the meaning of life
"This valuable character and lofty pursuit" refers to Madame Curie's "firm, resolute, ambitious and persistent pursuit", "this great discovery of nature" refers to Madame Curie's discovery of radioactive metal element radium, "discovery of the meaning of life" refers to Madame Curie's understanding that the value of life does not lie in youth, beauty, money, fame and fortune, but in her contribution to science, Madame Curie's understanding of life and value stems from her character on the one hand, and from her experience and perception in scientific research on the other
④ She has changed from a beautiful girl, a dignified and resolute female scholar, to a new term "radiation" in science textbooks, to a new unit of measurement "Curie" in physics, to scientific laws, and has become an eternal milestone in the history of science
This sentence uses "from It turns into... " This kind of "change" is not a general change, but a kind of promotion of life value and leap of life realm. The four "changes" summarize Madame Curie's struggling life and immortal achievements

18. The beautiful world spanning a hundred years
primary coverage

This paper focuses on "beauty" as the main line, and describes the beauty of Madame Curie's appearance and her scientific spirit. It praises Madame Curie's noble qualities of firmness, fortitude, tenacity, perseverance and indifference to fame and wealth

Answers to the sixth grade Chinese exercise book (Volume 2)

1、 Choose the correct pronunciation for the Braille and tick it
1. Which one (SH ú √ sh ǔ) is you. (R ǔ √ n ǚ) knows more than 2, is his wisdom. (zh ī zh ì) furuo and
2、 Choose the correct explanation for the Braille and fill in the number in brackets
The different meanings of "Zhi" in different language environments: ① auxiliary word, equivalent to "de"; ② pronoun, referring to someone or something; ③ verb, meaning "go, go". 1. Yiqiu, tongguozhi
He who is good at playing chess is also good at playing chess. (1) although one person listens to it. (2) 3. He wants to help the bow and shoot it. (2) 4. Although he has learned all about it, he can do it. (2) 5. Send it to Meng Haoran. Guangling (3)
1) Learning chess
Playing chess in autumn is the virtue of the whole country. He is good at playing chess. He teaches two people to play chess in autumn. One of them is dedicated to playing chess in autumn, but he listens to it. Although one of them listens to it, he thinks that there is a swan coming, and he thinks that he can help it
1. Explain the meaning of Braille and words in the text and write them in the corresponding brackets
2. The text describes two people learning to play go with Yi Qiu. One is dedicated and the other is half hearted. As a result, the latter one's chess skill is not as good as the former one. This story tells us that we should be single-minded and not half hearted in learning and doing things
For its wisdom, if and? Said: not naturally also
Is it because he (the latter) is not as intelligent as the former
(2) Two children debate day
When Confucius traveled to the East, he saw two children arguing and asked why. One child said, "I go near when the sun begins to rise, but the sun is far away when it is in the middle of the day."
One child said: "the sun is as big as a car cover, and the sun is as big as a bowl in the middle of the day. It's not that far away is small, but that near is big?" one child said: "the sun is as cool as cangcang, and that in the middle of the day is like soup. (hot water). It's not that near is hot, but that far is cool?" Confucius couldn't decide. (judge) also. The two children said with a smile: "which one
(who) do you know more? "1. Explain the meaning of the Braille and words in the text and write them in the corresponding brackets. 2. Write the meaning of the following sentences in connection with the text
① One child is far away at the beginning of the day, but near the middle of the day
A child thinks that the sun is far away from us when it just comes out, but near us at noon?
I think you know more than us. 3. From the sentence "Confucius can't decide", we can see the complexity of the problem. What is the method they used to explore natural phenomena
Observation conclusion
In the course of the debate, the two children were very reasonable and resolute. Confucius showed an indecisive attitude towards this issue
4. Write two famous sayings of Confucius that you know
① It's a pleasure to have friends coming from afar
4、 A little practice
Choose the story you feel most deeply from the text and write down your feelings in connection with your study and life
The ancient article Xueyi gives me the deepest feeling. It tells us that we should concentrate on everything and not be half hearted
1、 Choose the correct pronunciation for the Braille and tick it
(CH & #227; N C & #227; n √) Ling. Li. (w ǎ n √ mi ǎ n) Shan. (L í n sh ā n √) wandering. (Hu í Hu á I √) Jin. Guan (J ǐ n √ J ì n)
2、 Read Pinyin and write words
Nu & #239; y í zh ē ng R & #239; ng Y & #239; u s ī ch ì Lu ǒ Lu ǒ (moving) (steaming) (floating) (naked)
3、 According to the meaning, find out the corresponding words from the text and write them down
1. Look at the way the eyes fixed. (calm) 2. Look in a hurry. (in a hurry) 3. Indeed. (indeed) 4. Cover and retain. (cover)
4、 Write the words as they are
In a hurry
The head is white, the flowers are black, the heat is hot, the head is bright, the head is light, the head is really safe
5、 Read the passage and finish the exercise
2. Imitate the writing method of the sentence of "-" and use your imagination to write a few sentences
When grass withers, it will grow; when money is used, it will earn; when rubber is lost, it will buy again
When I wash my hands, the days pass in the basin; when I eat, the days pass in the bowl; when I am silent, the days pass in front of my eyes. I feel that it is in a hurry. When I stretch out my hand to cover it, it passes by the covered hand. When it is dark, I lie on the bed, it skilfully passes over me and flies away from my feet. When I open my eyes, goodbye to the sun, This is another day. I cover my face and sigh, but the shadow of the new day begins to sigh again
What is the meaning of "sigh" in the passage? Why does the author sigh? A: "sigh" means "sigh". The author is unable to change this cruel fact because time passes easily, So I can only sigh
6、 Accumulation and expansion
1. An inch of time an inch of gold, an inch of gold can not buy an inch of time
3. Black hair knows not to study early, but white head repents to study late
Please collect a few more similar sayings
Don't wait for leisure, white head, empty sad
Swallows go, there is a time to come again; willows wither, there is a time to green; peach blossom withers, there is a time to bloom. But, smart, you tell me, why our days are gone forever? Someone stole them, Who is it? Where is it hidden? Did they run away by themselves? Where are they now? 1. Read the sentence "﹏﹏﹏" in the text. In the author's repeated questioning, we can feel his helpless mood for the easy passage of time
7、 A little practice
Life is short, so what kind of life is not wasted? Please take a person you admire as an example. Although Hawking, a great scientist, can't walk or speak, he doesn't yield to his vicious fate and makes great contributions to the cause of science with his smart brain. Although he spent all his time in a wheelchair, he endured great physical pain, Still in unremitting efforts, he did not waste time, is a model of the times
3 mahogany
1、 Fill in the brackets with the appropriate words according to the phonetic notation
The staff of the Committee reduced the silk (satin) piece (section) (forging) three times (turning) five times (turning)
2、 Read Pinyin and write words
K ū w ě I ch ā y ā ng Du à n Li à N Y ī f ā n (withering) (transplanting) (training) (some) B & #239; B & #239; SH ē ng J á ng f ē ng B à o y ǔ
(full of vitality) (storm)
3、 According to the meaning, find out the corresponding words from the text and write them down
1. No one can tell the secret of it