Answers to lesson 6 in Chinese exercise book

Answers to lesson 6 in Chinese exercise book

6. The soul of plum blossom
1、 Read Pinyin and write Chinese characters
Silk handkerchief for old overseas Chinese burying nostalgia
2、 Choose the proper explanation for the dotted words and fill in the brackets
Quite famous
(negative: third choice)
Not very concerned
When teaching "I" to read Tang and Song Poetry (crying secretly)
When "I" soiled mometu (scolded "I" for the first time)
Mom, and gently scrape off the stain with a safety blade)
When I can't return home (sobbing)
When the boat was about to set sail (my grandfather got on the boat and gave me a plum blossom silk)
Before parting
4、 Soul means spirit
Check others by yourself

Primary school Jiangsu Education Press fifth grade Chinese exercise book reference answers

Jiangsu Education Edition Chinese fifth grade exercise book all answers? Urgent!

Copy is not good drop, I have the answer, but I can't let you copy will affect your academic performance, but the above question won't, you can ask me!

General division 1 / x ^ 2 + X, - 1 / x ^ 2 + 2x + 1

The simplest common denominator is x (x + 1) ²
If you don't understand, I wish you a happy study!

4.83×0.59+0.41×1.59-0.324×5.9=______ .

4.83 × 0.59 + 0.41 × 1.59-0.324 × 5.9 = 4.83 × 0.59 + 0.41 × (1 + 0.59) - 3.24 × 0.5.9 = 4.83 × 0.59 + 0.41 × 1 + 0.41 × 0.59-3.24 × 0.59 = (4.83 + 0.41-3.24) × 0.59 + 0.41 = 2 × 0.59 + 0.41 = 1.18 + 0.4 = 1.58

The value of PI is the limit value of n * sin (180 / N) when n tends to infinity

Find limn * sin (180 / N)
Let x = 1 / N, then n = 1 / x, n → infinity, X → 0
When x → 0, sin180x ~ 180X

If a (A-1) x2 ax + 5 = 0 is a linear equation of one variable with respect to x, then the value of a is ()
A. 1b. - 1C. 0 or 1D. 0

∵ a (A-1) x2-ax + 5 = 0 is a linear equation of one variable with respect to x, ∵ a (A-1) = 0 and - a ≠ 0, ∵ a = 1

120+130+142+… +1132.

120+130+142+… +1132,=(14−15)+(15−16)+(16−17)+… +111−112,=14−112,=16.

What is the law of 1,3,9,15,27?
My nephew's primary school question. Where's the sweat!
I can't do it!
There are three

First column:
1 39 27 81 3-fold relationship
Second column:
5 10 20 25 45 70 in multiples of 5
Third column:
Divide 3 9 15 21 33 39 by 3
1 3 5 7 11 13 are prime numbers, so the next one is 17

If the sum of the minimum and maximum of exponential function y = a ^ x on [1,2] is 6, then a =

Because the function y = a ^ x is monotone in [1,2], the solution is a = 2, a = - 3 in a + A ^ 2 = 6