Answers to Lesson 18 in the Chinese exercise book of the fifth grade of primary school published by Jiangsu Education Press

Answers to Lesson 18 in the Chinese exercise book of the fifth grade of primary school published by Jiangsu Education Press

Question 2: poverty inspires good and wise thinking

Answers to lesson 12 of the fifth grade Chinese exercise book (Volume 2) published by Jiangsu Education Press
In this sentence, Sima Qian wrote angrily___________________________ The role of

The "13" and "52" in the sentences not only reflect the great achievements of historical records, but also reflect the incomparable hardships of completing this great work, and embody the great spirit of Sima Qian's all-out efforts to write historical records
It is the function of summing up the full text

Calculation: 1 + 13 − 712 + 920 − 1130 + 1342 − 1556

The original formula is 1 + 13-73 × 4 + 94 × 5-115 × 6 + 136 × 7-157 × 8 = 1 + 13-7 (13-14) + 9 (14-15) - 11 (15-16) + 13 (16 − 17) - 15 (17-18) = 78

What is the chord length of the curve X square + y square + 2x-4y-4 = 0?

Xsquare + ysquare + 2x-4y-4 = (x + 1) & # 178; + (Y-2) & # 178; - 9
From x square + y square + 2x-4y-4 = 0
When x = 0, y = 2 (1 + √ 2) or y = 2 (1 - √ 2)
The chord length of the curve X square + y square + 2x-4y-4 = 0 is 4 √ 2

If the inequality x-2ax + A-A > 0 holds when x ∈ [0,1], the range of a is obtained

First, we construct a quadratic function: y = x ^ 2-2ax + A ^ 2-a
(1) If Δ = 4A ^ 2-4 (a ^ 2-A) = 4A = 0, consider the symmetry axis of quadratic function
If x = A0, a > 2 or A2
If the axis of symmetry x = a > 1, y = a ^ 2-3a + 1 > 0, i.e. a > (3 + √ 5) / 2 or a > 2, only x = 1

How to divide 19.8 by 12?

The equivalent infinitesimal cannot be replaced in addition and subtraction

In addition and subtraction, the limit of two formulas must exist at the same time and be replaced at the same time. Obviously, the limit of three formulas in Formula 1 exists, so it can. Formula 2 calculates the limit step by step, which is wrong. In fact, the essence is that addition and subtraction and multiplication and division are not equal in the sense of operation

Given X & # 178; + Y & # 178; + 4x-8y + 20 = 0, x =? Y =? (X & # 178; + Y & # 178;) - # 178; + Y & # 178; = x & # 178; + 6, then x & # 178; + Y & # 1

(x+ 2)²+(y-4)²=0

Finding the sum of sequence 1 / 3,3 / 3 ^ 2,5 / 3 ^ 3,..., (2n-1) / 3 ^ n

1 / 3,3 / 3 ^ 2,5 / 3 ^ 3,..., (2n-1) / 3 ^ n common summation method of sequence by dislocation subtraction TN = 1 / 3 + 3 / 3 ^ 2 + 5 / 3 ^ 3 +... + (2n-1) / 3 ^ n ① 1 / 3tn = 1 / 3 ^ 2 + 3 / 3 ^ 3 +... + (2n-3) / 3 ^ n + (2n-1) / 3 ^ n + (n + 1) ② - ② = 1 / 3 + 2 / 3 ^ 2 + 2 / 3 ^ 3 + +2 / 3 ^ n - (2n-1) / 3 ^ (n + 1)

What are exponential and logarithmic expressions
Logan = B is exponential
Or is a ^ B = n exponential?
Please explain what they are!

A ^ B = n is exponential
Logarithm of Logan = b
And they are inverse functions of each other