Why is the topic of beauty spanning a century called beauty spanning a century

Why is the topic of beauty spanning a century called beauty spanning a century

"Beauty" not only refers to Madame Curie's beautiful appearance, but also is not only his great research achievements. What's more important is his scientific spirit - the noble personality of persistent pursuit of science, lifelong dedication to science and indifference to fame and wealth, His excellent character and spirit will last forever! His brilliant achievements and noble character and the spirit of dedicating himself to science will last forever!

The exercises of Lesson 18 "beauty across a hundred years" in Volume 2 of primary school grade 6 of people's Education Press (below)
Why did Pierre say, "I just want it to have beautiful colors"? In the title "beauty over a hundred years", the "beautiful" surface refers to__________ Actually, it means____________ The text is through_____________________ This is to show Madame Curie's beauty_____________ How to write it

"Beauty" refers to the beauty of Madame Curie's appearance on the surface, but actually refers to the beauty of her devotion to science, great achievements and noble personality
The text shows Madame Curie's beauty through the following things: Publishing radium in the French Academy of Sciences, discovering and refining radium, and regarding fame and wealth as dung. This is a way of writing
Madame Curie's beauty lies in three aspects: first, the beauty of appearance; second, the beauty of devotion to science; third, the beauty of noble personality indifferent to fame and wealth

The main content of Lesson 18 "beauty over a hundred years" should be written by yourself

The author uses flashback technique to describe Madame riculi's academic presentation at the French Academy of Sciences, presenting her beautiful image and great achievements to the readers. Then, the author describes in detail her arduous research in order to explore "other substances are not radioactive", Until the discovery of radium, Jean later wrote about Madame Curie's attitude and practice in the face of fame and wealth. Finally, he quoted Einstein's words and affirmed Madame Curie's personality

A. Let B be a second-order determinant, a = 1.132, B = - 1.012, and XA = B, then x=

X = BA^-1 =
2 -1
4 -1
Where a ^ - 1=
-2 1
3 -1

Zhejiang Education Press mathematics homework seven answers (2) 4.3
The second, 4.3 solution of binary linear equations

1. Given the system of quadratic equations {1 3x + 2Y = 13, 2 3x-2y = 5, 1 + 2, we can get the equation (6x = 18), the solution (x = 3) 1 - 2, the solution (4Y = 8), the solution (y = 2), so the solution of the system of equations is {1. (x = 3) 2. (y = 2) 2. (1) {- x + 4Y = 9, 1, x + 3Y = 5, 2 + 2, we can get 7Y = 14, the solution is y = 2, y = 2 generation

The first line 1, the second line 2 3, the third line 4 5 6, the fourth line 7 8 9 10?

So 2009 is in line 63, column 56

Of all the multiples of 4 within 100, there are several multiples of 3


The average monthly turnover of a department store in the first half of the year is 400000 yuan. If the business tax is paid at 5% of the turnover, how many million yuan will the store pay in the first half of the year?

40×5% ×6
= 2 ×6
=120000 yuan

There are 10 red, yellow and blue balls in the box. It is required to close your eyes to ensure that no less than four balls of the same color can be touched at a time. Then how many balls should be touched at least?

(4-1) × 3 + 1, = 3 × 3 + 1, = 9 + 1, = 10

If x ^ 2-x-2 = (x + 1) (x + m), what is m equal to?
