If there is no dust!

If there is no dust!

If there is no dust
Dust is a nuisance to everyone. It is harmful to environmental health and human health. Therefore, from ancient times to the present, people always "wipe it frequently, do not make it contaminated with dust". However, have you ever thought that human beings can not live without dust
If there is dust in nature, what kind of situation will we face?
The diameter of dust particles is generally between ten thousandth to one millionth of a millimeter. The dust that can be seen by human eyes is a huge thing, and the fine dust can only be seen under a high-power microscope. The main sources of dust are soil and rock. After weathering, they split into small particles. These particles float in the air together with other organic particles
Dust absorbs part of the sun's light and reflects it all around at the same time. Just like countless point light sources, sunlight is greatly weakened by the reflection of dust and becomes soft. If there is no dust in the atmosphere, strong sunlight will make people unable to open their eyes
Interestingly, dust also has a strange temper. It is easy to reflect the violet, blue and cyan light with shorter light wave, and "like" to absorb other light with longer light wave. Due to the high content of dust in the lower atmosphere, the sky we see on the ground is blue. If there is no dust in the atmosphere, the sky will become a vast expanse of white
Most of the dust is hygroscopic. The water vapor in the air must adhere to the dust to condense into small water droplets. In this way, when the water vapor in the air reaches saturation, the dispersed water vapor will adhere to the dust to form stable water droplets, which can float in the air for a long time. If there is no dust in the air, everything on the ground will be wet, If there is less and less water on the earth, and it dries up completely in the end, living things will not survive. In addition, because of the refraction of these small water droplets on the sun, there will be natural scenery such as sunset glow, idle clouds and fog, rainbow halo and so on, How monotonous nature will be!

The explanation of words in Lesson 18 of the Vocabulary Manual of grade 6 Volume 2
The answer is a surprise

Beauty over a century
Radioactivity: the instability of certain elements, such as radium and uranium
The property of emitting rays spontaneously and decaying into other elements
, symbol RA, silver white and glossy, radioactive, found in a variety of ores and minerals
In medicine, it can be used to treat cancer and cancer
The sound of people is as noisy as boiling water in a cauldron,
It has three feet and two ears, mostly made of bronze
Indifference: (to fame and fortune, etc.) detachment, not pursuit
Solemnity: (speech, behavior) not casual, not frivolous
Freeze frame: 1. The moving pictures of movies and TV suddenly stop on a certain picture
2. Fixed format; certain specifications
Take the first meaning in the text
Beautiful and solemn image
The moment of life is always in people's memory
To purify or extract from a compound or mixture by chemical or physical means
Smelting: Using
The required metal is extracted from ore or other raw materials by melting and smelting
One substance is evenly dispersed in another. For example, salt becomes salt water when it is put into water
Fortitude: fortitude
Persistence: originally
It refers to persisting in a certain thing. Later, it refers to obstinacy or rigidity, and it also refers to perseverance
Outstanding achievement or effect. Table, excellence, superb
Fatigue: physical fatigue, lack of strength
It refers to the events that can be used as symbols in the process of historical development
Up to now, up to now, up to now

It's famous for Sweden
, industrialists
(1833-1896) as a foundation
Including gold medal, certificate and bonus
In the whole process of the selection, the winner will not be affected by any nationality, nationality, nationality, etc
And the influence of religion, the only criterion is the size of the achievements
As always: exactly the same as the past. One, all, all. Past, past
Fame: a great reputation

Words with exactly the same meaning as in the past

As always

There is such a series of numbers, 40, 60, 50, 55 --- starting from the third number, which is the average of its first two numbers. Find the integer of the tenth number in the number
This is the integral part of the tenth number in the number. What about the 100th?

Write it down
The latter number is between 53.75 and 53.125
So the integral parts of the 10th and 100th numbers are 53

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x ×(16+38)=1312

This paper selects the characters and related contents in the five famous works: outlaws of the marsh, journey to the west, Robinson Crusoe, childhood and how steel is made
Write the next couplet for the given upper couplet
The first couplet: Beethoven's painstaking efforts to compose famous music
Second couplet:

Outlaws of the Marsh: Lu Zhishen's great efforts
Journey to the West
Robinson Crusoe: growing food on his own
Childhood: aliosha's love hate distinction and his view of the world
How steel is made: Kochakin's indomitable resistance to fate
If you think it's good for you, give it to me

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According to the stem analysis, the number of Xiaoming's glass balls is 3 × 2 = 6, XiaoCong's glass balls is 6 × 2 = 12, a: XiaoCong has 12, Xiaoming has 6

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a-1 a+1