Judge whether the following propositions are true or false. If they are true, give reasons. If they are false, give counter examples (1) If a is a real number, then the square plus 1 is greater than 0 "; (2) If the square of a is greater than the square of B, then a is greater than B; (3) A quadrilateral with equal sides is a square

Judge whether the following propositions are true or false. If they are true, give reasons. If they are false, give counter examples (1) If a is a real number, then the square plus 1 is greater than 0 "; (2) If the square of a is greater than the square of B, then a is greater than B; (3) A quadrilateral with equal sides is a square

1 true
2 false a = - 10 b = 5
3 false diamond

Judge the truth of the following propositions and explain the reasons: 1) (X-2) (x-3) = 0 is a necessary and sufficient condition for (X-2) 2 + (y + 3) = 0
1) A necessary and sufficient condition for (X-2) (x-3) = 0 to be (X-2) 2 + (y + 3) = 0
2) X2 = 4x + 5 is a necessary condition for 4x + 5 = x2 under X radical
3) The equality of internal stagger angles is a sufficient condition for two straight lines to be parallel
4) AB < 0 is a necessary and insufficient condition for absolute value a + B < absolute value a-b

1) If x = 2 or 3, only x = 2 is OK and Y is uncertain
2) Yes
3) Necessary and sufficient
4) Necessary and sufficient

By using counter examples, it is proved that the proposition "if the two sides of one angle are parallel to each other, then the two angles are equal" is a false proposition

The true proposition is that the two sides of the angle are parallel and have the same direction

A group of numbers in regular order √ (2 / 3), √ 6 / 3, √ 4 / 9, 2 / 3, √ (8 / 27), 2 √ 6 / 9

2 / 3 2 / 3 4 / 81 4 / 9 = (2 / 3) & # 178; 8 / 27 8 / 27 = (2 / 3) & # 179;
Should the third one be √ (4 / 9)
If the odd even number term is an equal ratio sequence

The determinant of matrix A of order 3 is / A / = 4, find / - 2A /?

Because a is a matrix of order 3
So / - 2A / = (- 2) times / A/
So / - 2A / = - 32

Mathematics exercise book (1) Chapter 7 review questions

Chapter 7 answers to review questions
3.(1)6a^2 (2)a-2
4.(1)(x-3y)/(2x+10y) (2)-(2t-6h)/(5t-3h)
5.(1)-2/m (2)(m-2)/m
6.(1)(15y-2x)/5xy (2)n-3m
7.(1)x=3 (2)x=7/3
9. (1) B ^ 2 / (a-b) (2) original formula = XY ^ 2.2
10. No solution
11. Let the speed of the ship in still water be V km / h, then 21 / (v-4) = [22 / (V + 4)] * 1.5, and V = 18
12. Suppose the original average speed of the bus is x km / h, then 360 / X - [360 / (1 + 50%) x] = 2, and the solution is x = 60
Chapter 6 answers to review questions
1.(1)D (2)B
2.(1)5(x+2)(x-2) (2)m(a+b-c) (3)(8-a)^2 (4)(x-y)(2+a)
3.(1)(0.7x+0.2y)(0.7x-0.2y) (2)-((2ab-a)^2 (3)-3ax(a+2x)(a-2x)
4. (1) π R ^ 2-4 π R ^ 2 (2) π (R + 2R) (R-2R) ≈ 176 (square centimeter)
5.(1)(m-n)^2(m+n) (2)1/2ab(a+2b)^2
6.(1)2x+5y (2)2(x-1/2)=2x-1
7.(1)x1=0,x2=3/2 (2)y1=-1,y2=-5
8. Simplify the original algebra to get - 2Ab (a + b). - 10
9.3a ^ 2 + 7ab + 2B ^ 2 = (3a + b) (a + 2b)
I hope I can help you

Arrange the positive and even numbers in the following table
Column 1 column 2 column 3 column 4
Line 1 2
Line 2 4 6
Line 3 8 10 12
Line 4 14 16 18 20
According to the above rule, the row and column of 2006 are___________
Please use n to express the rule
(please write a good explanation, my understanding ability is too poor, please use more words to explain)

The first column of each row is 2,4,8,14,22... Which conforms to the rule of 2 + n (n-1). Is this the rule you want to find? N is the number of rows. For example, if you look at the fourth row, n = 4, then the number of the first row can be calculated is 2 + (4) (4-1) = 2 + 12 = 14. To get 2 + n (n-1) is the observation rule, and the discovery is the second order arithmetic sequence (each item follows the previous one)

How many times of 3 and 5 are there within 100 (including 100)

The least common multiple of 3 and 5 is 15
So there are six numbers within 100 that are multiples of 15
That is, there are 6 multiples of 3 and 5 within 100 (including 100)

Sixth grade volume I practical problems about percentage and score
10 is a little difficult

There are 112 students in the sixth grade, 25% more in the fifth grade than in the sixth grade. How many in the fifth grade? 2

There are seven red, yellow and blue balls of the same size in the box. At least how many balls are taken out must have two balls of the same color?
Band arithmetic

3 + 1 = 4