Given a > 2, B > 2, try to judge whether the equation X2 - (a + b) x + AB = 0 and X2 ABX + (a + b) = 0 have common roots. Please explain the reason

Given a > 2, B > 2, try to judge whether the equation X2 - (a + b) x + AB = 0 and X2 ABX + (a + b) = 0 have common roots. Please explain the reason

Let x 2 - (a + b) x + AB = 0 and X 2-abx + (a + b) = 0 have common roots. If x 0 is set, then x 20 − (a + b) x 0 + AB = 0. ① x 20 − ABX 0 + (a + b) = 0. Then (x 0 + 1) (a + b-ab) = 0

Given a > 2, B > 2, try to judge whether the equation X2 - (a + b) x + AB = 0 and X2 ABX + (a + b) = 0 have common roots. Please explain the reason

Let x 2 - (a + b) x + AB = 0 and X 2-abx + (a + b) = 0 have common roots. If x 0 is set, then x 20 − (a + b) x 0 + AB = 0. ① x 20 − ABX 0 + (a + b) = 0. Then (x 0 + 1) (a + b-ab) = 0

Help me to explain these allegorical sayings
Cheng Yaojin's axe - just these two tofu falls in the ash pile - can't wash clean, lead the monkey to hit somersault - test his skills on the spot, punch under the table - can't get up the ruler of an expert tailor - tailor to measure Seeing a beard is a grandfather -- he doesn't know whether it's true or not, but he says it's true. He says it's true. He says it's true. He says it's true. He says it's true. He doesn't know if it's true. He says it's true. He says it's true. He says it's true. He doesn't know if it's true!

This problem is too much, too troublesome, I am not high culture, but explain these allegorical sayings, or can deal with. But professional explanation I can't, can only literally with Pro explanation, hehe
Cheng Yaojin's axe: just these two things: as far as I know, Cheng Yaojin, who is very lucky, has no ability except for being reckless and aggressive. That is to say, he can only play with an axe, and his kung fu is not very good
Bean curd falls in the ash pile - can't wash clean: the landlord can buy a bean curd and throw it in the ash to see if it's washed clean. Ha ha. The extended meaning is: don't do useless work, it's like this
Lead the monkey to make a somersault on the spot to test his ability: if you have seen monkey play, you will perform it on the spot
Boxing under the table: can't get up: boxing under the table can be played high, not obviously can't
Tailor's ruler: tailor's ruler measures clothes, and clothes are made according to the measured size. Extension: everything should be judged and acted according to the actual situation
When you see a beard, you're a grandfather. You don't know whether it's true or not. When you see a long beard, it's not necessarily an old man. When you were in high school, there was a classmate who shaved every day (I still don't understand why a man didn't shave after he got married?). Can't you call him a grandfather? Ha ha
It's hard to tell: if the two sides have the same quarrel, if they have different standpoints, they will have different ideas. In fact, everyone has a reason. It depends on which angle to deal with it
Milk mixed with ink - confuse black and white: white milk mixed with black ink, what will it be like. Birds are always inseparable, forget it
Fight on the stage - I don't know whether it's true or not: on the stage, it's just a performance. Even if it's a fight, it can be seen that outsiders still think it's a performance. Who makes them not choose a place
Two dumb people quarrel - I don't know who is right or wrong: can you speak dumb? Of course, I don't know what they are quarreling about, only they know
Conclusion: Chinese culture is broad and profound, and Chinese characters are broad and profound. If you don't study hard, you don't even need punctuation. You are dazzled

The original price of a commodity is 100 yuan, and the price is reduced by 1 / 10, and then increased by 1 / 10. Compared with the original price, is the current price higher or lower
List the formulas

99, low

(1234567891)2-1234567890×1234567892=______ .

Let a = 1234567891, then: (1234567891) 2-1234567890 × 1234567892 = a2 - (A-1) × (a + 1) = a2 - (A2-1) = a2-a2 + 1 = 1, so the answer is: 1

The school organizes students to go on an outing. The teacher distributes the pictures signed with the names of some athletes to class A, class B and class C, and each of them can get 6 pictures. If only class B can get 15 pictures, if only class C can get 14 pictures, how many pictures can each of them get?

If we regard class B as unit 1,
Then the total number of class B is 15 △ 6 = 5 / 2,
The number of class C is 15 / 14 of class B,
Then the number of class A is 5 / 2-1-15 / 14 of class B = 3 / 7
The number of sheets per person in class A is 7 / 3 of that in class B
Then 15 × 7 / 3 = 35 sheets
Only class a will get 35 tickets

0.012*0.75=( )*7.5

0.012*0.75=(x )*7.5
x = 0.0012

The summer palace in Beijing covers an area of 290 hectares. The land area is one third of the water area. How many hectares are there on the land and on the water?

The land area is one third of the water area,
So the water surface area is 3 / 4 of the total area
The land area of the summer palace is 290 × 1 / 3 × 3 / 4 = 72.5 hectares
The water surface area of the summer palace is 290 × 3 / 4 = 217.5 hectares

On the problems of "humble chamber inscription" and "on Ailian"
Make your own questions

Practice of inscriptions on humble rooms
1、 Fill in the blanks
1. Who is the author of "humble chamber inscription"___ , words__ Yes__ He is a Korean
2. Inscription is a kind of literary style. It was originally written on utensils and steles in ancient times, and later developed into a kind of literary style_____ This style has many advantages____ The characteristics of the system
3. (1) the water is not deep__________________ .
(2)_____________ The grass is green
(3) It's a shack_____________ .
4. There are a lot of sentences like "no silk and bamboo, no paperwork" in "humble chamber inscription". The sentence structure is neat, the rhyme is harmonious, and the use of the words is simple_______ The rhetorical devices of the English language
2、 Explain the meaning of the words in brackets
(SI) is a humble room, (but) my virtue (Xin)
2. There are Confucians in talking and laughing, but there are no baiding in communication
3. You can tune (plain) Qin and read (Golden Classics)
4. There is no disordered ear of silk and bamboo, and there is no form of work
5. Mountains are not high, but immortals
3、 Translate sentences
1. Mountains are not high, but immortals are famous
2. There are great scholars in conversation and no white men in communication
3. Without the disordered ears of silk and bamboo, without the form of paperwork
4. What's the crux?
4、 What are the usages of "Zhi" in the following sentences
Its usage: A, auxiliary word "de" B, pronoun C, verb, "to, to" D, cancellation of sentence independence between subject and predicate, e, sign of advance of object
A. What's the crux
B. Forget the distance ()
C. Fishermen are very different ()
D. Answer ()
E. Peony, the rich and noble flower ()
F. Your disease lies in your skin ()
G. The sound of pulling and falling in the middle ()
5、 Read the article and answer the questions
The mountain is not high, the immortal is famous. The water is not deep, the dragon is the spirit. Si is a humble house, but I Dexin. The moss marks are green, and the grass is green. There are great scholars talking and laughing, and there are no baiding people coming and going. You can tune the zither and read the golden Sutra. There are no disordered ears of silk and bamboo, and no paperwork. Zhugelu in Nanyang, Yunting in xishuzi. Confucius said: what is so humble?
1. The sentences describing the environment of the shack are as follows:_______________________________________ .
2. What are the activities of the master in the humble room_____________________________ .
3. Who are the people coming to the shack_________________________________ .
4. Find out the sentences that indicate the center_____________________________ .
5. The author expresses himself by describing his "humble room"__________ My wish and___________ In this essay, the author uses the_________ How to write it
Reference answer
1. Liu Yuxi was born in Tang Dynasty
2. The words used to describe facts and merits, the style used to describe the public and deeds, and sometimes used to warn oneself or describe merits, and the style used to rhyme
3. If there is a dragon, there will be a spirit; if there is a moss mark, there will be a green step; if there is only my Dexin
4. Duality
S: this; only: only; Xin: fragrance, here refers to noble character
2. Hong: big; Bai Ding: a man without fame in feudal society
3. Plain: plain; golden Sutra: Buddhist Sutra
4. Silk and bamboo: the sound of playing music; files: official documents of the government; labor: tiring
5. Name: famous
1. The mountain is not necessarily high. If there are immortals living in it, it will be famous all over the world
There are profound scholars, but no vulgar people
3. There is no noisy sound of wind music disturbing both ears, no official documents tiring body and mind
What's the crudeness?
4、 E a B B a a
1. The moss marks are green, and the grass is green
2. Tune the piano and read the golden Sutra
3. Hongru
4. Si is a humble house, but I am Dexin
5. Keep high moral integrity; live in poverty and be happy with the way; borrow things to express feelings
Exercises of "on Ailian"
Tao Yuanming of Jin Dynasty loves chrysanthemum alone. Since Li and Tang Dynasties, the world loves peony very much. You can only love lotus from mud but not dye it, clean water but not demon, straight from the middle and straight from the outside, with no branches, clear fragrance and clean planting. You can watch it from afar but not play with it
Son is chrysanthemum, the hermit of flowers; peony, the rich and noble of flowers; lotus, the gentleman of flowers. Eh! The love of chrysanthemum is rarely heard after pottery. Who should give the love of lotus to? The love of peony is suitable for many people!
1. "The story of love lotus" is selected from "the story of love lotus"
2. The structure of the novel can be summarized as follows: one clue, that is, a clue; two foil, that is, the general foil of lotus, and as the side and contrast of lotus; three types, that is, three kinds of people are written by writing three kinds of flowers:
3. In the story of love lotus, the sentence used to describe a gentleman who neither goes along with the common customs nor is aloof and arrogant is:
4. This is a metaphor for a gentleman who is knowledgeable, upright and well-known
5. It is a solemn and admirable sentence to describe a gentleman with clean mind and honest conduct
6. He who is close to Zhu is red, and he who is close to Mo is black
7. One of the most important words to summarize the noble quality of lotus is
8. When the author describes lotus, why should he first write that Tao Yuanming loves chrysanthemum and the world loves peony?
9. This paper praises lotus as "out of mud but not dyed, clean water but not demon", which means that a gentleman does not go along with the evil world, but does not boast of himself. But in our life, we often hear people say "close to the red, close to the ink is black". What do you think of these two views?
10. The writing method of the story of Ailian is to express emotion with the aid of something. We call this writing method as
11. Explain the meaning of the underlined words in the following sentences
① The lovely is very rare
12. The item with the same meaning in the following sentences is () (2 points)
A. After the pottery, there is little smell of fresh grass. B. the fragrance is far away, clear and prosperous
C. D. The Empress Tao seldom heard of this man. He was a man of speech
13. Translate the following sentences in modern Chinese. (2 points)
The love of lotus, with whom? The love of peony. Appropriate to the public
14 interpretation of "Zhi"
① The flowers of plants and plants on land and water: 2. The only lotus that comes out of the mud and does not dye it; 3. The ears are confused without silk and bamboo; 4. What's crude
15. By describing the image of lotus, the author gives lotus a good quality, and then uses flowers to describe people, revealing the author___________ ,______________ The quality of
16. Write more than two nicknames for lotus___________ 、_____________ 、 _______________
Reference answer
1. Zhou Dunyi is a famous philosopher in the Northern Song Dynasty, whose posthumous title is Yuangong
2. We can sum up the structure of the story