For any rational number x, x-3 + X-6, is there the smallest absolute value? Why For any rational number x, x-3 + X-6, is there the smallest absolute value and why

For any rational number x, x-3 + X-6, is there the smallest absolute value? Why For any rational number x, x-3 + X-6, is there the smallest absolute value and why

No, the absolute value is greater than or equal to zero, and the minimum absolute value is zero

The definition of rational numbers a and B is as follows: a * b = (a-b) - (a + b), find the value of (- 3) * (- 5)

The * given by the title is a user-defined symbol, as long as it is calculated according to the formula

How to get rid of the absolute value sign of an absolute value in the first semester of junior high school
Please list each case of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, such as greater than 0, less than 0, equal to 0, and so on,
Such as / A + B / = - a-b

If a ± B ≥ 0, then / a ± B / = a ± B, for example / 2 + 1 / = 2 + 1 / 2-1 / = 2-1, then / A + B / = - A-B / A-B / = b-a

78 × 3% 5 + 22 / 5% 3 is calculated by simple method

5.78 × 5% of 3 + 22 △ 3% of 5
=5.78 × 5 / 3 + 0.22 × 5 / 3
=(5.78 + 0.22) × 5 / 3
=6x3 / 5
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Calculate 1 + 1 / 3 + 1 / 9 + 1 / 27 + 1 / 3 to the 100th power =?
And 1 plus 1 / 1 plus 1 / 1 plus 1 / 1 plus 1 / 1 plus 1 / 1 plus x equals 1.65.

The original formula = (1 - (1 / 3) to the 101st power) / (1-1 / 3) = 3 / 2-1 / (2 * 3 to the 100th power)
About 3 / 2

The abscissa of an intersection point between the image with positive scale function y = x and the image with inverse scale function y = K / X (k is constant, K is not equal to 0) is 2
When x = - 3, the corresponding function value of the inverse proportion function y = x of K is obtained

Abscissa x = 2 on y = x
Then y = 2
Substituting y = K / X
Then k = xy = 4
So y = 4 / X
So x = - 3



When k=___ The intersection of the line x-2y-2k = 0 and the line 2x-3y-k = 0 is on the curve X ^ + y ^ = 9
Such as the title

Substituting 2x-3y-k = 0

The solution of inequality (x + a) (x-2a) / A + 1 > 0 (a is constant, a ≠ - 1) about X

(x + a) (x-2a) / A + 1 > 0 (a is constant, a ≠ - 1)
When 0 > a > - 1, then a + 1 > 0
(x + a > O and x-2a > 0)
x> - A and x > 2A
Or (x + A0)
x> 2A or X

0.36 △ 1.5 = vertical calculation