Judge whether the following propositions are true or false. If they are true, please give proof. If they are false, please give counter examples 1. If the two sides of a corner are parallel to the two sides of the other corner, then the two corners are equal 2. Two triangles of equal area are congruent triangles 3. The sum of the distances from any point in the equilateral triangle to the three sides of the triangle is equal to the height of the equilateral triangle 4. There are two congruent triangles with equal heights on both sides and one of them 5. There are two congruent triangles whose heights on the two sides and the third side correspond to the same

Judge whether the following propositions are true or false. If they are true, please give proof. If they are false, please give counter examples 1. If the two sides of a corner are parallel to the two sides of the other corner, then the two corners are equal 2. Two triangles of equal area are congruent triangles 3. The sum of the distances from any point in the equilateral triangle to the three sides of the triangle is equal to the height of the equilateral triangle 4. There are two congruent triangles with equal heights on both sides and one of them 5. There are two congruent triangles whose heights on the two sides and the third side correspond to the same

1. True proposition
2. The false proposition is only that the area is equal. It can only show that the value of the length of a side multiplied by the height of the side is equal. It can also show that the shape is different, such as an acute triangle and an obtuse triangle. Therefore, the area equality does not mean the total equality
345 sorry,

Judge the true and false of the following propositions, prove the true propositions, and give counter examples to the false propositions
(1)m⊂α,n⊂α, m//β,b//β→α//β,
(2)α//β ,m⊂α,n⊂β→m//n,
(4) Any line in α is parallel to β → α / / β
Note: m and N are straight lines; α and β are planes; "→" and "/ / / are parallel lines
Great Xia, please answer every question in detail. Thank you first

1 there is an error B should be n false M / / n
2. False can be a straight line out of plane
3 true
I'm not sure

A counter example is given to show that for any real number x, the value of x ^ 2 + 6x + 8 is greater than 0

When x = - 3, x ^ 2 + 6x + 8 = - 1

There are 180 students in Grade 6, of which the number who can play table tennis accounts for one ninth of the total number. The number who can play badminton is six fifths of the number who can play table tennis. How many people can play badminton?
The number of people who can play badminton is six fifths of the number who can play table tennis

180 * 1 / 9 = 20 people play table tennis
Badminton players are 20 * 6 / 5 = 24, badminton players are 24, what do you want to ask?

What's the opposite of the reciprocal of three fifths minus one? Help, brothers and sisters


If there are three numbers a, B and C, the sum of a and B is 147, the sum of B and C is 123, and the sum of a and C is 132, then the average value of these three numbers is______ .

(147 + 123 + 132) △ 2 △ 3, = 402 △ 2 △ 3, = 201 △ 3, = 67; answer: the average value of the three numbers is 67

Write the 11 letters "probability" on the 11 cards respectively, and select 7 of them randomly. The probability of the result of the arrangement is "ability"?
Please put the detailed solution ideas together!
Would you please explain the second answer in more detail? Still don't understand!

If no order is required
Methods: take 7 balls from 11 balls, including 2 red balls, 6 white balls and 3 basketball balls
There are only two possible ways to take out all the white balls and one red ball
There are a total of 11 methods, 7 = 11 * 10 * 9 * 8 * 7 * 6 * 5 / 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7 = 330
So the probability is 2 / 330 = 0.006060
It is required to be arranged in order, that is to say, take out a B I l i t y in turn
So the probability is zero
The first one is a, 1 / 11, and the remaining 10
The second is B, 2 / 10, and the remaining 9
The third is I, 2 / 9, and the remaining 8
The fourth one is l, 1 / 8, and the remaining seven
i ---1/7
So the total probability is:
1/11 * 2/10 * 2/9 *1/8 * 1/7 * 1/6 * 1/5=0.000002405002405

The sum of the two numbers a and B is 385. If you move the decimal point of B one place to the left, it will be equal to the number A. what are the two numbers a and B? We have to finish it today
Make Arabic numerals! Horizontal! Quick,

385 ÷ (1 + 10) = 35, number a
385-35 = 350, B number

On the inverse scale function image?
Why are the images of inverse scale functions not connected?
Please give me the formula

First, the inverse proportion function is undefined at x = 0. If there is no definition at that point, there will be no image at any point. Even if there are no images, how can they be connected
Secondly, when x is greater than 0, infinity tends to 0, y = 1 / X tends to positive infinity; when x is less than 0, infinity tends to 0, y = 1 / X tends to negative infinity

The number a is 20, the number B is 60% of the number a, and the number C is 34% of the number B. the average of these three numbers is 3______ .

B: 20 × 60% = 12 C: 12 △ 34 = 12 × 43 = 16 average: (20 + 12 + 16) △ 3 = 48 △ 3 = 16 answer: the average of these three numbers is 16. So the answer is: 16