How to do 300 divided by 125 divided by 8

How to do 300 divided by 125 divided by 8


What's the answer to question 2 and question 9 of mathematics midterm comprehensive test

A decimal consists of 32 ones, 8 percentages and 9 quartiles = 31.89

Please send me all the answers to the second volume of the sixth grader's edition of mathematics talent course

A place where you can find the answer to the textbook!

How to calculate 4 / 25 times 99 plus 4 / 25,
Simple formula


The supermarket is engaged in a sales promotion. You can get one free when you buy four soaps. How much is the discount?
Please help me with my homework,

20% off. Actually, I bought five soaps and only spent four soaps. 4 / 5 = 80%. I hope it can help you

If the function FX = a to the power of X (0 < a < 1), the maximum value of X ∈ [1,2] is two times larger than the minimum value, then a is equal to

The distance between a and B is 420 kilometers. Two cars drive from a to B at the same time. The first car travels 42 kilometers per hour, and the second car 28 kilometers per hour. The first car returns to B immediately. How many hours do the two cars share from departure to meeting? I will adopt the map!

Encounter = 420 × 2 ÷ (42 + 28) = 12 hours

1 / 2 χ minus 1 / 3 χ and so on and 5 / 6 (solving equation)

Multiply both sides of the equation by 6 to get 3x-2x = 5
The result of merging the similar items is: x = 5
So the solution of the original equation is x = 5

Train a is going from a to B at a speed of 150 km / h. one hour later, train B is going from B to a at a speed of 70 km / h. If a and B are 200 km apart, how far is the meeting point from a?

Time required for meeting: (200-150) / (150 + 70) = 5 / 22 (H)
Distance between two vehicles meeting point and ground a: 150 + 150 x 5 / 22 = 184 and 1 / 11 (km)

Solving the equation 81 ^ 2x △ 9 ^ 2x △ 3 ^ x = 81 about X
