Summary of mathematics unit 1 in grade one of junior high school How to summarize the geometry unit of mathematics in grade one?

Summary of mathematics unit 1 in grade one of junior high school How to summarize the geometry unit of mathematics in grade one?

```````````````````1.1 stereo graphics
`````````````Upper and lower sides
``````The cylinder is round and equal to the bottom surface
``````The top and bottom of the prism are parallel For polygons It's all rectangles
`````…… …… …… ……
Vertebral body:
`````…… …… …… ……
`````…… …… …… ……
`````…… …… …… ……
Just draw the figures and fill in what you have learned
````````````````1.2 point line plane
1. Point (motion) → line (motion) → surface (motion) → body
2. The surface intersects into a line, and the line intersects into a point
3. The change of surface area and volume in the process of rotation
Expand and collapse }
````````````````1.3 cut a geometry
1. Sphere (section) - circle
2. Cylinder → horizontal Longitudinal: Chamfering:
Prism → (ditto)
3. Vertebral body (ditto...)
````````````````1.4 from different directions
1. Main view (high and long)
2. Left view (height, width)
3. Top view (length, width)
```````Front view left view top view
Composition chart
Draw the figure
`````````````````1.5 graphic
1. Polygon
Concept: (picture)
2. Count the number of sides and triangles of a polygon
(graph) n (n-1) / 2
````````````````````Geometry in life
``````````````````/ ````| ````|```` \
````````````````Classified expanded section view
````````````````````````|_____________ |
```````````````````````````Plane figure
PS: actually can't space So use "'" to keep beautiful
I'm so tired

About junior three physics distance calculation problem (requires a complete solution process and unit conversion) add!
Seismic wave is divided into S-wave and P-wave. The transmission speed of P-wave is 6km / S (note, it is per second!), the S-wave travels at the speed of 3.5km/s, and the time difference between the two waves is 200s. Then how many km (note unit!) are there at the station?

The distance between the observation station and the earthquake is set as S
P-wave propagation time T1 = s / 6000m / s ①
S-wave propagation time T2 = s / 350 m / s ②
Time difference between two waves Δ t = t2-t1 = 200s ③
One, two, three

One fruit stall put in six boxes of fruit one day, which were apples and oranges, weighing 8 kg. 9 kg. 16 kg. 19 kg. 23 kg and 27 kg. On the first day, only one box of apples was sold. Among the remaining five boxes, the weight of oranges was twice that of apples. How many kg of apples were sold? Which boxes of apples were sold? Which boxes of oranges were sold?

Maybe twice as many as (23 + 27) = 2 * (9 + 16)
So the weight of the box sold was 8kg, the weight of oranges was 23.27, and that of apples was 9.16

The sum of one eighth and a number is equal to the difference between three fourths and one half?

Let this number be X

Verify the n-order symmetric matrix, add the matrix and multiply the matrix to form a linear space on the number field R

Because the matrix addition operation satisfies the exchange, the union, has the zero matrix, has the negative matrix
The number multiplication operation of matrix also satisfies the corresponding four operation properties
Therefore, if we prove that the addition of n-order symmetric matrices to matrices and the number multiplication of matrices form a linear space over the number field R,
We only need to prove that n-order symmetric matrix is closed to matrix addition and matrix multiplication
Let a and B be symmetric matrices of order n, that is, if a '= a, B' = B, K is a real number, then
(A+B)' = A' +B' = A+B
(kA)' = kA' = kA
So a + B, Ka is also a symmetric matrix
That is, n-order symmetric matrix is closed to matrix addition and matrix multiplication
Therefore, the addition and multiplication of n-order symmetric matrices form a linear space over the number field R
If you have any questions, please let me know

The bus and car travel in the same place and in the same direction. The bus is 60 kilometers per hour, the car is 8 kilometers per hour, and the bus is 60 kilometers per hour
Two hours after the bus starts, the car starts. A few hours later, the car catches up with the bus

60x2 △ 80-60 = 120 △ 20 = 6 hours

240 times a non-zero natural number a, or divided by a non-zero natural number B, the result is a complete square, then the minimum value of a is the minimum value of B


The value of complex number 1 + 2i1-i is___ .

The complex number 1 + 2i1-i = (1 + 2I) (1 + I) (1-I) (1 + I) = - 1 + 3i2 = - 12 + 32i, so the answer is: - 12 + 32i

There are 130 people in a school, 35 people in a big car, 800 yuan a day, 25 people in a small car, 500 yuan a day?

Assuming that the car rental x, car rental y the most cost-effective, a total of Z yuan, x, y are integers, z = 800X + 500y 35x + 25y = 130, 800 / 35 = 22.86 yuan / person, 500 / 25 = 20 yuan / person, so the more the car, the better, the premise is the less the better. When y = 6, x = 0, z = 3000 yuan, empty 20, when y = 5, x = 1, z = 3300 yuan, empty 25

Given LIM (x - > + ∞) f '(x) = 0, it is proved that LIM (x - > + ∞) f (x) = constant

For example, if f (x) = root (x), then f '(x) tends to 0, but f (x) has no limit