1.5 is 0.3 less than two-thirds of a number?

1.5 is 0.3 less than two-thirds of a number?

Let this number be X

If M is a positive integer, then the positive integer solution of the equation 2x + 5m = 17 about X is______ .

When m = 1, x = 6; when m = 3, x = 1, then the positive integer solution of the equation is 6,1

If the equation (M + 1) XX + 2mx = 0 of X is a linear equation of one variable, then M=____ The solution of the equation is______ .

(M + 1) XX + 2mx = 0 is a linear equation with one variable
The solution of the equation is x = 0

Proof: the equation of X (m square - 8m + 17) x square + 2mx + 2 = 0, no matter what value m takes, the modified equation is a quadratic equation of one variable

That is M & # 178; - 8m + 17 ≠ 0
Whatever the value of M, the equation is a quadratic equation of one variable