The numerator of a simplest true fraction expands four times and the denominator shrinks four times. The result is 1. This fraction turns out to be 1

The numerator of a simplest true fraction expands four times and the denominator shrinks four times. The result is 1. This fraction turns out to be 1

Let this fraction be a / B, 4A / (1 / 4) B = 1, a / b = 1 / 16

One and a half are obtained by doubling the numerator of a minimalist fraction and reducing the denominator by two times. Do you know what the minimalist fraction is?
Which kind prince will save Princess bape?

Original: 3 / 2 denominator shrinks first 3 / 4 numerator expands first 3 / 8, so it turns out to be 3 / 8

If the denominator of a simplest fraction is expanded by 2 times and the numerator is reduced by 2 times, it is equal to 3 / 16. The simplest fraction is (), and its fractional unit is ()

3/4 1/4

For a simplest number, if its numerator is expanded by four times and its denominator is reduced by four times, it is equal to 24. The simplest fraction is ()

The expansion of the 3 / 2 molecule to 4 times the original number is equivalent to multiplying the original number by 4, and the reduction of the denominator to 1 / 4 is also equivalent to multiplying the original number by 4, that is, multiplying the original number by 16 equals 24