What's the simplest fraction? If you expand the numerator by four times and reduce the denominator to 1 / 4 of the original, it's equal to 24. What's the simplest fraction?

What's the simplest fraction? If you expand the numerator by four times and reduce the denominator to 1 / 4 of the original, it's equal to 24. What's the simplest fraction?

Let the score be a / b. according to the meaning of the question, 24 = 4A / (B1 / 4), we get a / b = 24 / 16, so a / b = 3 / 2, that is, the simplest score is 3 / 2

The number of the simplest band fraction is four times larger and the denominator is four times smaller, which is equal to 24. The simplest band fraction is ()

The numerator of the original fraction is expanded four times and the denominator is reduced four times, which is equivalent to expanding 16 times. If 24 is divided by 16, the answer is 3 / 2

A minimalist fraction, multiply its numerator by 4, and reduce its denominator to one fourth of its original value, which is equal to 24. The minimalist fraction is ()
A minimalist fraction, multiply its numerator by 4, and reduce its denominator to one fourth of its original value, which is equal to 24. The minimalist fraction is ()

Set to a / b~

If we multiply the numerator by 3 and divide the denominator by 2, the result is two ninths, then the original fraction is ()
