1, the circumference of the circle divided by the area of the circle = (), 2, the denominator is 12, the sum of all the simplest true fractions is ()

1, the circumference of the circle divided by the area of the circle = (), 2, the denominator is 12, the sum of all the simplest true fractions is ()

1. The circumference of a circle divided by its area = (π)
2. The sum of all the simplest true fractions whose denominator is 12 is (2)

The sum of all the simplest true fractions whose denominator is 12 is______ .

All the simplest true fractions with denominator 12 are: 1125127121112, their sum is: 112 + 512 + 712 + 1112, = (112 + 1112) + (512 + 712), = 1 + 1, = 2