The numerator and denominator of eleven out of seventeen minus one number is four out of seven, which is ()

The numerator and denominator of eleven out of seventeen minus one number is four out of seven, which is ()

Let this number be X
11 out of 17 is 11:17
Four out of seven equals four to seven
A: the cut number is 3
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The sum of the numerator and denominator of a fraction is 43. If 17 is added to the denominator, the fraction can be reduced to 13, which is______ .

43 + 17 = 60, total number of shares: 1 + 3 = 4 (shares), numerator: 60 × 14 = 15, current denominator: 60 × 34 = 45, original denominator: 45-17 = 28, then the original score is 1528

The sum of the numerator and denominator of a fraction is 43. If 17 is added to the denominator, the fraction can be reduced to 13, which is______ .

43 + 17 = 60, total number of shares: 1 + 3 = 4 (shares), numerator: 60 × 14 = 15, current denominator: 60 × 34 = 45, original denominator: 45-17 = 28, then the original score is 1528

The sum of the numerator and denominator of a fraction is 47. If the numerator plus 17 equals 1, what is the original fraction

(47 + 17) / 2 = 32 is the denominator
47-32 = 15, 15 is a molecule