A fraction is 24 less than the denominator, and it is equal to 5 / 13 after approximately dividing. What is the fraction? Don't solve the equation

A fraction is 24 less than the denominator, and it is equal to 5 / 13 after approximately dividing. What is the fraction? Don't solve the equation

Molecule = 24 ÷ (13-5) × 5 = 15
Denominator = 15 + 24 = 39
The score is 15 / 39

The numerator of a fraction is 12 smaller than the denominator, and it is equal to 1 / 5 after about minutes. This fraction is ()

Molecule = 12 / (5-1) times 1 = 3
Denominator = 12 / (5-1) multiplied by 5 = 15

The numerator of a fraction is 72 smaller than the denominator, and it is about 5 out of 13. What is the original fraction?

About 72 (13-5) = 9
The original denominator is 9 × 13 = 117
The protomolecule is 9 × 5 = 45
The score is 45 / 117

The numerator of a fraction is 70 times smaller than the denominator, and it is about 3 out of 13. What is the fraction?

The molecule is 70 ^ (13-3) X3 = 21
The denominator is 21 + 70 = 91
The score is 21 out of 91