The numerator of a fraction is 24 less than the denominator, and after approximately 47 points, the fraction is______ .

The numerator of a fraction is 24 less than the denominator, and after approximately 47 points, the fraction is______ .

Let the denominator be x, and the numerator be x-24, & nbsp; & nbsp; X − 24x = 47, (x-24) × 7 = 4x, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 7x-24 × 7 = 4x, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 7x-168 = 4X, & nbsp; 7x-168-4x = 4x-4x, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 3x-168 = 0

The numerator of a fraction is 24 less than the denominator. The fraction is about two fifths. The fraction is ()


The numerator of a fraction is 24 times more than the denominator, and then it is 7 / 4. This fraction is ()

Now the numerator is three times more than the denominator, which is eight times smaller than 56 out of 32

A fraction, the sum of numerator and denominator is 42. If numerator plus 8, the fraction is equal to 1. What is the fraction?
