The sum of the numerator and denominator of a fraction is 25. If you add 5 to the numerator, the fraction is 1

The sum of the numerator and denominator of a fraction is 25. If you add 5 to the numerator, the fraction is 1

You are in Grade 5, can you set up unknowns,
If the numerator plus 5 is equal to the denominator, the numerator can be set as X. then the denominator is x + 5
If the sum of the numerator and denominator is 25, x + (x + 5) = 25
We can get x = 10
The score is 10 / 15

When the sum of numerator and denominator of a fraction is 21 and the denominator is increased by 5, the fraction is equal to 1. What is the fraction and what is it?

It is 13 / 8,13 + 8 = 21, and 8 + 5 = 13,13 / 13 = 1

If you add 1 to the numerator of a fraction, the fraction is 1. If you add 1 to the denominator of the fraction, the fraction is 78. What is the original fraction?

78 = 1416, 16-1 = 15. So the original score is 1415. A: the original score is 1415

Ma Xiaohu is a seventh grade student. When he removed the denominator of the equation 2x-1 / 3 = x + A / 2-1, due to carelessness, the - 1 on the right side of the equation was not multiplied by 6 to get the wrong solution x = 4. Can you get the value of a from this? If so, ask for the correct solution of the equation

According to the wrong solution: 12x-2 = 6x + 3a-1 = > 6x = 3A + 1 = 24 A = 23 / 3
Correct solution: 12x-2 = 6x + 23-6 = > 6x = 19 x = 19 / 6