Add the same number to the numerator and denominator of 9 / 19 at the same time, and simplify it to 2 / 3. The number added at the same time is ()

Add the same number to the numerator and denominator of 9 / 19 at the same time, and simplify it to 2 / 3. The number added at the same time is ()


Add the same number to the numerator denominator of 9 / 19 at the same time and simplify it to 2 / 3. What is the number added at the same time?


The sum of the numerator and denominator of a fraction is 21. When the denominator is increased by 19, the simplest fraction is 1 / 2. What is the original fraction?

Let the numerator of the original fraction be x, then the denominator is 21-x,
The denominator increases by 19 to 21 + 19-x = 40-x
Then x / (40-x) = 1 / 2
So the final result is 40 / 23
Then I think there's something wrong with this question, or I'm not good at it,

The sum of the numerator and denominator of a number is 21. When the denominator is increased by 19, the number can be divided into 1 / 4

Let the original fraction be a / b
The results are as follows:
The solution is as follows
The original score is a / b = 8 / 13
The original score was 8 out of 13
Please refer!