Add the numerator and denominator of a fraction to get 29 denominator and 13 denominator. This fraction is about one sixth of the original fraction. What's the original fraction? Such as the title

Add the numerator and denominator of a fraction to get 29 denominator and 13 denominator. This fraction is about one sixth of the original fraction. What's the original fraction? Such as the title

Primitive = x / Y
X / (y + 13) = 1 / 6, remove denominator 6x = y + 13
The above two forms are simultaneous, x = 6, y = 23
The original number is 6 / 23

If you add 9 to the denominator of the original fraction, it will be 5 / 7. Find the original fraction. Do not solve the equation

Because the numerator is invariable, we take the numerator as the cardinal number, and regard it as one time, and use the denominator and the numerator ratio: &# 160; if we subtract 2 from its denominator, the denominator will be about 3 / 4. At this time, the denominator will be 4 / 3 times of the numerator; if we add 9 to the denominator of the original fraction, the denominator will be about 5 / 7. At this time, the denominator will be 7 / 5 times of the denominator

The denominator of a fraction is 12 more than the numerator. If you divide it, you get seven tenths. What's the fraction? Don't use the equation. Divide it

7 out of 10
7 out of 10 = 28 out of 40
40-28 = 12, now meet the requirements
So the score is 28 out of 40

The denominator of a fraction is not 36. If 36 is added to the denominator, it will be 5 / 13. What is the original fraction?

Molecule: (36 + 36) * (5 / (13-5)) = 45
Denominator: 45 + 36 = 81
It turned out to be 45 / 81