The numerator of a fraction plus 6 can be divided into 2 / 3, and the denominator minus 7 can be divided into 1 / 2

The numerator of a fraction plus 6 can be divided into 2 / 3, and the denominator minus 7 can be divided into 1 / 2

Let the fraction be x / y
So it's 4 / 15
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What are the problems of mathematical off form calculation in volume two of grade two

Not enough~

Find 116 mathematical problems in Volume 2 of grade 4

125-25×6 (135+75)÷(14×5) 120-60÷5×5
1024÷16×3 (135+415)÷5+16 1200-20×18
720-720÷15 (360-144)÷24×3 240+480÷30×2
225-10×(6+13) (120×2+120)÷9 164-13×5+85
330÷(65-50) 128-6×8÷16 64×(12+65÷13)
19×96-962÷74 10000-(59+66)×64 5940÷45×(798-616)
(315×40-364)÷7 12520÷8×(121÷11) (2010-906)×(65+15)
(20+120÷24)×8 106×9-76×9 117÷13+36×15
3774÷37×(65+35) 540-(148+47)÷13 (308—308÷28)×11
I've been playing for a long time. Please choose me. Please give me extra points
(10+120÷24)×5 (238+7560÷90)÷14 21×(230-192÷4)
19×96-962÷74 10000-(59+66)×64 5940÷45×(798-616)
(315×40-364)÷7 735×(700-400÷25) 1520-(1070+28×2)
9405-2940÷28×21 920-1680÷40÷7 690+47×52-398
148+3328÷64-75 360×24÷32+730 2100-94+48×54
51+(2304-2042)×23 4215+(4361-716)÷81 (247+18)×27÷25
36-720÷(360÷18) 1080÷(63-54)×8
Hey, it's a pity it's only fifty

20 off form calculation questions in Volume 2 of grade 2


Second grade disjunctive problems

Mathematical recursive equation problems in grade two of primary school

The recursive equation computer is actually a disjunction calculation, algorithm: the same level operation should follow the order from left to right, and the different level operation should follow the order of multiplication and division before addition and subtraction. For example: 54 + 38-25 = 92-25 = 67 give you some people's education press second semester recursive equation problems: (1) 36 + 48-25 (2) (34-27) ×

(# for root)
#(6) A ^ 2 - (# (2) + # (3)) a + 1 reduction
(x ^ 2 + 2x) ^ 2-10 (x ^ 2 + 2x) - 11 simplification
If real numbers x and y satisfy y


The second radical calculation (2 questions) will be finished today
1. (2 radical 3 + 5) (5-2 radical 3)
2. (radical 3-2 radical 2) (2 radical 2 + radical 3)

1. (2 radical 3 + 5) * (5-2 radical 3) = (5 + 2 radical 3) * (5-2 radical 3) = 5 ^ 2-2 radical 3 ^ 2 = 25-4 * 3 = 12
2. (radical 3-2 radical 2) (2 radical 2 + radical 3) = (radical 3-2 radical 2) (radical 3 + 2 radical 2) = radical 3 ^ 2-2 radical 2 ^ 2 = 3-4 * 2 = - 5

Secondary root problems in junior high school
If the integer part of 1 / (3-radical 7) is a and the decimal part is B, then the value of a ^ 2 + (1 + radical 7) AB is_____

1 / (3-radical 7) = (3 + radical 7) / 2
5 < (3 + root 7) < 6
2 < (3 + radical 7) / 2 < 3
Then the integral part of (3 + radical 7) / 2 is 2, a = 2
The decimal part of (3 + radical 7) / 2 is (3 + radical 7) / 2 - 2 = (radical 7 - 1) / 2, B = (radical 7 - 1) / 2
So AB = (root 7 - 1)
So there are
A ^ 2 + (1 + radical 7) AB = 4 + (1 + radical 7) (radical 7 - 1) = 4 + 7 - 1
= 10

If the simplest two radical √ (a + 7) and ^ B-3 √ (3a-b) are the same kind of quadratic radical, then a =? B =?
Write the steps clearly

B-3 = 2, a + 7 = 3a-b
The solution is a = 6, B = 5