If the denominator of the original fraction is 22 larger than the numerator, the original fraction can be obtained

If the denominator of the original fraction is 22 larger than the numerator, the original fraction can be obtained

Suppose the numerator of the original fraction is x, then the denominator is x + 22
Then x / (x + 22) = 4 / 15
The solution is x = 8
The denominator is 8 + 22 = 30
The score is 8 / 30

The sum of a fraction, numerator and denominator is 25. When the denominator is increased by 17, a new fraction will be obtained, which is about one fifth of the original fraction
The sum of a fraction, numerator and denominator is 25. When the denominator is increased by 17, a new fraction will be obtained, which is about one fifth of the total. What's the original fraction? (the result is seven out of eighteen) calculation formula and thinking process

Let a be the numerator and B the denominator
The solution is a = 7
The original score was 7 / 18

The denominator of a fraction is 28 times larger than the numerator, and it is about one third after the fraction. What is the fraction?

Divide 28 by 2 to get the numerator 14, multiply 14 by 3 to get the denominator 42! Get the fraction 14 / 42