The method of reduction is to use the numerator and denominator of the fraction(

The method of reduction is to use the numerator and denominator of the fraction(

The method of reduction is to remove the numerator and denominator from the numerator and denominator of the fraction (the greatest common divisor)

For a fraction, the sum of numerator and denominator is 156, which is about 4 out of 9?

So the score turned out to be 48 / 108

The denominator of a fraction is the greatest common factor of 10 and 15, and the numerator is the smallest three digit number

The answer is that the greatest common factor of 20.10 and 15 is 5, and the smallest three digit number is 100

There is a fraction. If 1 is added to all numerators and denominators, the fraction becomes 12. If 1 is subtracted from all numerators and denominators, the fraction becomes 25. This fraction is______ .

Let the numerator be a and the denominator be B. then, a + 1b + 1 = 12; a − 1b − 1 = 25; simplify to a = 2B + 1 & nbsp; 2A = 5b-3, solve the binary linear equations to a = 5, B = 11, answer: this fraction is 511. So the answer is: 511

For a true fraction, the sum of numerator and denominator is 33. If the numerator minus 2 and denominator plus 4, the reduced fraction is 2 / 3, what is the original fraction?

16 out of 17

If the sum of the simplest fraction and the numerator denominator is 49, the numerator plus 4 and the denominator minus 4, the new fraction is reduced to 43, and the original fraction is obtained______ .

Suppose the new score is reduced to X at the same time, then the score is 4x3x. From the question, we can know that: 3x + 4x = 49, the solution is x = 7, then the new score is 2821 before the reduction, and the original score is 28 − 421 + 4 = 2425

The sum of the numerator and denominator of a simplest fraction is 49. The new fraction obtained by adding 4 to the numerator and subtracting 4 from the denominator can be reduced to 34______ .

Since the sum of the numerator and denominator is 49 after adding 4 to the numerator and subtracting 4 from the denominator, the numerator of the new fraction is 49 × 33 + 4 = 21, so the numerator of the original fraction is 21-4 = 17 and the denominator is 49-17 = 32, that is, the original fraction is 1732

For a fraction, the sum of numerator and denominator is 122. If 19 is subtracted from numerator and denominator, the reduced fraction is 15. What is the original fraction?

15 = 1470, 14 + 19 = 33, 70 + 19 = 89, so the original score is 3389. A: the original score is 3389

A fraction numerator plus 5 can be reduced to 34, denominator minus 2 can be reduced to 12, the fraction is______ .

From the basic properties of fraction, we can get: 34 = 68 = 912 = 1216 = 1520 = 1824 & nbsp; = 2118 = 2432 12=24=36=48=510=612=714=816=918… So the original score is 716. So the answer is: 716

The sum of the numerator and denominator of a fraction is 92. If 16 is subtracted from both numerator and denominator, the reduced fraction is 1 / 3
Thinking, process, not solving equations! OK?

This should be thought of as a relationship between two numbers. Find out the relationship between numerator and denominator. Numerator + denominator = 92. The ratio of numerator - 16 to denominator - 16 is one-third. You can calculate numerator 31 and denominator 61. That's it