The relationship among the theoretical system and system of the socialist road with Chinese characteristics

The relationship among the theoretical system and system of the socialist road with Chinese characteristics

The road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, is based on the basic national conditions, centering on economic construction, adhering to the four basic principles, adhering to reform and opening up, liberating and developing social productive forces, building a socialist market economy, socialist democracy, socialist advanced culture, socialist harmonious society, and socialist ecological civilization, Promote the all-round development of human beings, gradually realize the common prosperity of all the people, and build a prosperous, strong, democratic, civilized and harmonious socialist modern country
The theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics is a scientific theoretical system including Deng Xiaoping theory, the important thought of "Three Represents" and the scientific outlook on development. It is the persistence and development of Marxism Leninism and Mao Zedong thought
The system of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the fundamental political system of the people's Congress system, the system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the system of regional national autonomy, the system of grass-roots mass autonomy and other basic political systems, the legal system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and the basic economic system with public ownership as the main body and the common development of various ownership economies, As well as the economic system, political system, cultural system, social system and other specific systems based on these systems
 the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the way to realize, the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the guide to action, and the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the fundamental guarantee. The three are unified in the great practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics, which is the most distinctive feature formed by the party's leadership of the people in the long-term practice of building socialism

What are the class basis, natural science basis and direct theoretical sources of Marxist philosophy?

Class basis: proletarian Natural Science Source: cell theory, law of conservation and transformation of energy, biological evolution theory direct source: classical economics represented by Adam Smith and David Ricardo, the role of class struggle discussed by the historians of French restoration in the 19th century

A brief introduction of the natural science premise and theoretical source of Marxist philosophy

1.1. Social background
Marxist philosophy came into being in the 1840s. At that time, the capitalist mode of production in the major Western European countries had developed to a mature stage, and the proletariat, as an independent political force, had stepped onto the historical stage. This requires a philosophy that correctly reveals the law of social development to guide, which is the foundation of Marxist philosophy, In particular, the establishment of historical materialism provided the necessary social conditions
1.2. Scientific background
Since the 19th century, natural science has developed from the science of collecting materials to the science of arranging materials. The emergence of astrology, embryology, physiology and organic chemistry has made natural science obtain a series of important scientific achievements, The establishment of the cell theory, the discovery of the law of conservation of energy and the birth of Darwin's theory of biological evolution are of great epoch-making significance. These achievements in natural science provide a scientific basis for Dialectics' views on universal connection and movement development
1.3 theoretical background
Hegel's dialectics and Feuerbach's materialism in German classical philosophy are the direct theoretical sources of Marxist philosophy. Generally speaking, all the fine traditions and scientific achievements of materialism and dialectics in the history of philosophy have made ideological and theoretical preparations for the birth of Marxist philosophy, Marx and Engels critically reformed Hegel's idealistic dialectics and the rational elements of Feuerbach's materialism, and created a new philosophy, which is Marxist philosophy
2. The basic characteristics of Marxism
2.1. Marxist philosophy is a scientific system of dialectical materialism and historical materialism
In terms of content, Marxist philosophy is a scientific system of dialectical materialism and historical materialism. All the old philosophies before Marxism, except that there was a direct, simple and lack of scientific basis between ancient simple materialism and ancient simple dialectics, in a quite long historical period, All the old sciences are separated from each other in two ways: one is the separation of materialism from dialectics; the other is the separation of materialist view of nature from historical view. For example, the old materialism adheres to materialist principles in the view of nature, but falls into idealism in the view of social history
The organic unity of materialism and Dialectics
Marxist philosophy has realized the organic unity of materialism and dialectics on the basis of scientific practice. This unity is manifested in the following aspects: on the whole, its materialism runs through dialectical materialism, that is, dialectical materialism; its dialectics is based on materialism, that is, materialistic dialectics, Any of its principles, topics and propositions are materialistic and dialectic
The organic unity of dialectical materialist view of nature and dialectical materialist view of history
It is a great achievement of Marxist philosophy to organically unify materialism and dialectics. To further realize the organic unification of dialectical materialism's view of nature and dialectical materialism's view of history is a unique great creation of Marxist philosophy, The science of historical materialism is unique to Marxism. Only Marxism, for the first time in human history, implements materialism to the end, regards human society as a special form of material movement, as a natural historical process promoted by its internal contradictions, and realizes the organic unity of materialist dialectical view of nature and materialist dialectical view of history, It ends the dominant position of idealism in the field of social history, and makes people's study of society into science. Therefore, it is pointed out that Marxist philosophy is "complete materialism", which is cast by "a whole piece of steel". The "complete" and "a whole piece of steel" here refer to materialism and dialectics, Materialist dialectical view of nature and materialist dialectical view of society are highly unified
Marxist philosophy is a science about the general law of the development of nature, society and thinking
From the point of view of the object of study, Marxist philosophy is a science about the general law of the development of nature, society and thinking. However, all previous Sciences, including modern science, attempted to establish an all inclusive so-called "science of science" and tried to replace each specific science with philosophy, which confused the difference between philosophy and specific science, As a result, it not only hinders the development of specific Sciences, but also blocks the way forward of philosophy. The emergence of Marxist philosophy correctly solves the problem of the object of philosophy and its relationship with specific sciences. Marxist philosophy, based on specific Sciences, is the highest generalization and summary of natural sciences, Social Sciences and thinking sciences, It is a scientific world outlook, on the other hand, it is a research method and thinking method to guide specific scientific research and practice

Six concrete examples of embodying the scientific outlook on Development

The implementation of the new medical reform policy, the implementation of the western development strategy, China's rational development and utilization of rare earth minerals, counterpart support for the development of ethnic minority areas, the Ministry of land and resources protection of land resources, strengthen social management, maintain social stability