Archimedes, a famous ancient Greek scholar, once said, "if you give me a lever and a fulcrum, I can pry the earth." Now let's make a hypothesis that C is the fulcrum, and the lever can rotate around C. We put the earth at point B. if the ratio of the power arm AC and the resistance arm BC of the lever is 5:1, and we want to lift the earth up 10 cm, how many m should we press the A end of the lever down?

Archimedes, a famous ancient Greek scholar, once said, "if you give me a lever and a fulcrum, I can pry the earth." Now let's make a hypothesis that C is the fulcrum, and the lever can rotate around C. We put the earth at point B. if the ratio of the power arm AC and the resistance arm BC of the lever is 5:1, and we want to lift the earth up 10 cm, how many m should we press the A end of the lever down?


Because of different uses, some tools with lever principle in life are labor-saving, such as (), (); some are laborious, such as (). (); some are neither labor-saving nor laborious, such as ()

Labor saving: bottle opener, hammer
Strenuous: broom, rowing (the main purpose is to save distance)
No effort, no effort: balance, seesaw