How to draw physical lever diagram

How to draw physical lever diagram

Five elements should be paid attention to in the schematic diagram of the lever. ① fulcrum: the point around which the lever rotates. It is indicated by the letter o. ② power: the force that makes the lever rotate. It is indicated by the letter F1. ③ resistance: the force that prevents the lever from rotating. It is indicated by the letter F2

How to use the lever principle of tweezers? How to draw the schematic diagram of its power and resistance? Also, which direction is the schematic diagram of the power of pulling nails with a hammer?

The fulcrum of the tweezers is the intersection of the two arms at the last end. The hand exerts power downward, and the object being clamped exerts resistance upward. You can have a more intuitive understanding by yourself. The direction of the hand moving the hammer is the direction of the power (you mean the claw hammer?). The lever in this picture is actually a broken line, not a straight stick, so there is no opposite problem, Power and resistance as long as the lever does not turn in one direction on the line (this is very important to learn leverage) understand?