Using the lever theorem, Give you a pen, a meter ruler, and some 50g weights to calculate the mass of the ruler

Using the lever theorem, Give you a pen, a meter ruler, and some 50g weights to calculate the mass of the ruler

It's very simple. Place the pen as a fulcrum at 20cm of the ruler. Then put weights on the short part of the ruler until the long part of the ruler just gets up. Let's see how many weights are 50 grams (set as x)
The mass of the ruler is m G

Application of lever principle in life (ten cases)

Spanners, doors, toilets, scales, scales, bicycle pedals, scissors, can openers, pliers, nail clippers, automatic locks, light switches, screwdrivers, train rail exchange control rods, etc

Lever principle in life

Labor saving lever:
Claw hammer, bottle cap lifting, spike prying, vice, driver, trolley, iron sheet cutting and pruning scissors
Chopsticks, tweezers, fishing rod, pedal, broom, paddle, tailoring scissors, hairdressing scissors, human arm
Equal arm lever:
Balance, fixed pulley
1. Take bicycle as an example
Bicycle is a commonly used means of transportation. From the perspective of its structure and use, it requires a lot of natural science knowledge
Analysis: bicycle from the structure is a combination of simple machinery, driving the application of mechanical balance principle, so can walk
Application of natural science knowledge:
(1) the handlebar is a labor-saving lever when it rotates. When the power arm is larger than the resistance arm, it can save labor
(2) the brake is a lever in use, which can save labor when the power arm is larger than the resistance arm
(3) the pedal and the big flywheel, the small flywheel and the rear wheel constitute the wheel axle device. When the power acts on the wheel, it can save labor, but it works on the shaft
2. Rubber handle steel wire pliers. The physical knowledge we have learned is applied in its design and use. Please point out the physical knowledge on which it is based
The steel wire pliers are made by using the lever principle of labor saving
When the force is the same, the area is small, which can increase the pressure to cut the wire
The whole Tong is a labor-saving lever, which can save labor
3 rubber handle, surface concave convex pattern, can increase beneficial friction
The handle is insulating plastic, which can prevent electric shock

How do simple machines change our lives? The working principles and concepts of levers and pulley blocks,
And add personal opinion, evaluation, speculation

(1) Lever 1. Definition (1) lever: a hard rod that can rotate around a fixed point under the action of force. This hard rod is a lever. (2) fulcrum: the point that the lever rotates around. (3) power: the force that makes the lever rotate. (4) resistance: the force that prevents the lever from rotating. (5) power arm: the distance from fulcrum to dynamic action line