Archimedes's famous saying, as long as we give him a fulcrum on the earth, he can pry up the earth. What's the reason

Archimedes's famous saying, as long as we give him a fulcrum on the earth, he can pry up the earth. What's the reason

"Give me a fulcrum, I can move the earth!"
——The discovery of the lever principle was his bold imagination and positive innovation, which prompted his great achievement. Around 1500 BC in Egypt, people used lever to lift heavy objects, but people didn't know its reason. Archimedes studied this phenomenon and developed the lever principle. Before Archimedes discovered the lever principle, no one could explain it, When some philosophers talk about this problem, they insist that it is "magic". Archimedes does not admit that it is "magic". After Archimedes established the law of leverage, he infers that as long as the appropriate length of leverage can be obtained, the "magic" can be defined, Any weight can be lifted with a very small force. It is said that he once said such heroic words: "give me a fulcrum, I can lift the earth." after hearing this, King Syracus said to Archimedes, "by the oath of Zeus, what you said is really strange, Archimedes!" Archimedes explained the characteristics of leverage to the king, and the king said, "where can I find a fulcrum, "How about prying up the earth?" there is no such fulcrum. "Archimedes replied." then, it is impossible to make people believe in the divine power of mechanics? "The king said." no, no, you misunderstand me, your majesty. I can give you another example. "Archimedes said. The king said," you are too boastful! You push something as heavy for me, Archimedes said, "well, I'll push this boat for you." Archimedes left the king, using the principle of lever and pulley, After everything was ready, Archimedes invited the king to watch the ship launch. He handed the end of a thick rope to the king and asked him to pull it gently. Suddenly, the ship slowly moved and smoothly slid down the water. The king and his ministers were surprised to see such a miracle. So the king convinced Archimedes, And issued a notice to the whole country: "from now on, no matter what Archimedes said, we should believe him "

1. When we learned the lever principle, Archimedes had a heroic saying: "give me a lever and a fulcrum, and I can pry the earth." Xiaogang had doubts about this. He consulted the data and knew that the mass of the earth was 6 * 1024 kg. He assumed that the fulcrum was 1 meter away from the earth, Archimedes' maximum pressure on the lever was 600 n, and Archimedes needed a fulcrum of about 100 kg_______ Even if he presses down the lever at a speed of 100km / h (equivalent to the speed of a car on the highway) at a constant speed, it will take a long time to pry the earth up to 1cm________ According to this, Xiao Gang pointed out that Archimedes' heroic words could not be realized. What's your comment on Xiao Gang's practice________
First question: 1 * 1023 please answer the second question in detail. Thank you

It's in the sixth grade book ~ ~ it's in my science book~~

Archimedes if you give me a fulcrum, I will pry up the whole earth?
Don't talk nonsense. Keep it simple. 3Q!

Lever principle in Physics
This sentence shows that science is power, that science can change the face of the world, and that science has great power

Archimedes: give me a fulcrum, I can pry up the earth?

The ability to do things, also need an opportunity