Why is Archimedes's lever principle the same type of shovel, what is the shovel?

Why is Archimedes's lever principle the same type of shovel, what is the shovel?

The cutter support point is at the junction, and the hand is at the far end of the knife, so the power arm is stronger than the resistance arm. The shovel support is in the right hand (similar to fishing rod) and the left hand is near the fulcrum, so the power arm is less than the resistance arm.

Push up is a common fitness project. As shown in the picture, Xiao Ming's body can be seen as a lever, o point as a fulcrum, a point as the center of gravity, and the gravity is 500N (1) (2) if L1 = 2.1cm, L2 = 3.0cm, calculate the support force of both hands on the ground. (3) if the area of each palm is about 1.5 × 10-2m2, calculate the pressure of both hands on the ground

(1) As shown in the figure: (2) according to the condition of lever balance, we can get: f1l1 = f2l2500n × 2.1cm = F2 × 3.0cmf2 = 350n, so the support force of both hands is 350n. (3) according to the calculation formula of pressure, we can get: P = F2s = 350n

Push up is a common fitness project, Xiaoming students do push up, her body can be seen as a lever, O as the fulcrum, a as the center, gravity is 500N
(1) If L1 = 2.1cm, L2 = 3.0cm, calculate the support force of the ground opponent
(2) If the area of each palm is 1.5 * 10 negative quadratic, calculate the pressure of both hands on the ground

No picture, no truth, but I've seen it on the Internet
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Analysis of the answers to various mathematical problems in Physical Chemistry

If a classmate lives and does push ups, he can be regarded as a lever. His center of gravity is at point a, and the gravity is 500N. Then he will support his body, and the pressure of his hands on the ground is at least n (the distance from point a to his feet is 1m, and the distance from point a to his head is 0.7m)
My calculation result is about 294n, yes? I need a complete solution process

Let the man form an X angle with the ground
So in the process of rising,
Gravity = mg arm = 1 * cosx
Support force n arm of force = 1.7cosx