If the orbit radius of the earth around the sun is R1 and the revolution period is T1, and the orbit radius of the moon around the earth is R2 and the revolution period is T2, then the mass ratio of the sun to the earth is 0___ .

If the orbit radius of the earth around the sun is R1 and the revolution period is T1, and the orbit radius of the moon around the earth is R2 and the revolution period is T2, then the mass ratio of the sun to the earth is 0___ .

According to the centripetal force provided by universal gravitation: for the earth, there is: GM earth m day R21 = m earth 4 π 2t21r1. For the moon, there is: GM earth m month R22 = m month 4 π 2t22r2 simultaneous solution, m day m earth = t22r31t21r32, so the answer is: t22r31t21r32

The period of the earth's revolution around the sun is T1, the orbit radius is R1, and the period of the moon's revolution around the earth is T2, the orbit radius is R2. How many times of the mass of the sun is that of the earth?

According to gmmr2 = MR4 π 2t2, the mass of the central celestial body is m = 4 π 2r3gt2. Because the ratio of the orbital radius of the earth to the orbital radius of the moon is r1:r2, and the ratio of the period is t1:t2, the mass ratio of the sun to the earth is m = r13t22r23t12

If the period of the moon around the earth is T1 and the radius is R1, and the period of the earth around the sun is T2 and the radius is R2, they will move
If the period of the moon's orbit around the earth is T1 and the radius is R1, and the period of the earth's orbit around the sun is T2 and the radius is R2, what is the relationship between the ratio of the orbit, the third power of the radius and the second power of the period?

God! It's so complicated. I study literature. Although I'm good at geography, I don't think it can be solved only by physics!

The masses of the two planets around the sun are M1 and M2 respectively, and the orbital radii are R1 and R2 respectively. If they are only affected by the sun's gravity, then the two planets will have the same row

(1) (2)
(1) Let the mass of the sun be m. according to the law of gravitation, the ratio of gravitation between two planets and the sun is
(2) The motion of two planets around the sun is regarded as uniform circular motion, and the centripetal force is provided by universal gravitation, then = m () 2R