Ohm's law in closed circuit U = E / R / R + I (to explain, u is the road voltage, e is the power electromotive force, e is the numerator, R / R + I is the denominator, R / R + I means the quotient of R divided by R plus I). How did this formula come out? Thank you!

Ohm's law in closed circuit U = E / R / R + I (to explain, u is the road voltage, e is the power electromotive force, e is the numerator, R / R + I is the denominator, R / R + I means the quotient of R divided by R plus I). How did this formula come out? Thank you!

E / u = (R + R) / R, derived from this, because in the circuit, the voltage ratio of each part is equal to the resistance ratio, the electromotive force of the power supply is the total voltage of the circuit, and the terminal voltage is the total voltage of all parts except the power supply, so the terminal voltage on the electromotive force ratio is equal to the total resistance of the circuit except the power supply. The previous formula can be changed to u = E / [(R + R) / R], and then u = E / [(R / R) + 1]

Ohm's law of closed circuit and its application
Please describe it in detail and summarize the formula

Ohm's law of knowledge summary (eight years of Physics) core tips: first, to explore the relationship between the current root on the resistance and the voltage at both ends. Experimental research methods: control variable method. When the resistance is fixed, the current in the conductor is directly proportional to the voltage at both ends of the conductor. When the voltage is fixed, the current in the conductor is inversely proportional to the resistance of the conductor