Calculation of maximum power of sliding rheostat by Ohm's law of closed loop If the sliding rheostat is connected in parallel with a resistor, how can the resistor be equivalent to the internal resistance

Calculation of maximum power of sliding rheostat by Ohm's law of closed loop If the sliding rheostat is connected in parallel with a resistor, how can the resistor be equivalent to the internal resistance

The equivalent internal resistance is equal to the total resistance of the original resistance and the fixed resistance in parallel
When the resistance of the sliding rheostat is equal to the equivalent internal resistance, the sliding rheostat has the maximum power

Ohm's law formula of whole circuit

Where e is electromotive force, R is external circuit resistance, R is internal resistance of power supply, internal voltage uine = IR, e = uine + uexternal scope of application: only applicable to pure resistance circuit

What's the difference between Ohm's law of partial circuit and Ohm's law of full circuit? Can you give an example

Use the formula to make it clear:
(1) Ohm's law of partial circuits: I = u / R
It is about the voltage drop caused by the resistance R when the current passes through the resistance R in the external circuit of the power supply, or how much current flows through a resistance connected to both ends of the voltage
(2) Ohm's law of the whole circuit: I = E / (R + R0)
It talks about the potential of the power supply is composed of two parts of voltage drop, one part is the voltage drop ir0 composed of the internal resistance R0 of the power supply, and the other part is the voltage drop IR composed of the external resistance R of the power supply
It can be seen that e is not equal to u. if the voltage drop caused by R0 in the power supply is ignored, then E can be approximately equal to u

How to calculate the voltage in the circuit besides Ohm's law
Junior high school level - = has not talked about power... How can you calculate?

Potential difference between two points, Kirchhoff's law, superposition principle, transformation ratio, power divided by current,

The explanation of Ohm's law of the whole circuit
The more detailed the better

Consider the simplest closed loop. The electromotive force and internal resistance of the power supply are ε and R respectively, and the resistance of the external circuit (or load resistance of the external circuit) is R. from the continuity of the current, we can see that the current passing through each part of the circuit is the same, which is I. suppose the direction of the current is clockwise