If the divisor is divided by four, what is the quotient of the divisor divided by 12?

If the divisor is divided by four, what is the quotient of the divisor divided by 12?


If two numbers are divided, the quotient is 36. If the divisor is divided by 4 and the divisor is divided by 12, what is the quotient?

Divisor / divisor = 36
(divisor 4) / (divisor 12)
=Divisor 4 divisor x 12
=Divisor / divisor / 4 × 12
come on.

If the divisor is divided by 2 and the divisor is divided by 12, what is the quotient

36÷2×12 = 36×6 = 216

If two numbers are divided, the quotient is 36. If the divisor is divided by 4 and the divisor is divided by 12, how little is the quotient?

Bin I

199 and 199 of 198 times - 5 simple algorithm how to calculate

(199 + 198 / 199) x (- 5) = (200-1 + 1-1 / 199) x (- 5) = (200-1 / 199) x (- 5) = - 1000 + 5 / 199 = - 999 and 194 / 199

How to do the simple calculation of 198 times 36?


How to multiply 36 by 74


How to multiply 74 by 36


Is the sign of the least common multiple [] or(

The greatest common divisor is the parenthesis

Are the symbols of the greatest common factor and the least common multiple prescribed in primary schools

The symbols of the greatest common factor and the least common multiple are not specified in primary schools