If a is a non-zero natural number, what is the relationship between 1 / 3 divided by a and 1 / 3 divided by 3

If a is a non-zero natural number, what is the relationship between 1 / 3 divided by a and 1 / 3 divided by 3

So the two are reciprocal

If a number is divided by 5 / 12 and 7 / 8, the quotient is a non-zero natural number. What is the minimum number

Is it the sum of a number divided by 5 / 12 and 7 / 8
If we want to minimize a, we should also minimize the non-zero natural number, which is 1. This number a = 31 / 24

1. Calculate 33 ° 52 ′ + 21 ° 54 ′ =? 2. If a + B + C = - 3, find the value of 1 - (a + B-C) + (1 + a-b-c) - (a-b + C-1)


1()7,61,621 A,1,B,3,C,5,D,61,0,-1,-3,10,(),89A,24,B,33,C.42,D,56

1 (1) 7,61621, a, 1, B, 3, C, 5, D, 6, choose A1 = 1 ^ 0-07 = 3 ^ 2-261 = 4 ^ 3-3621 = 5 ^ 4-4, so () = 2 ^ 1-1 = 11,0, - 1, - 3,10, (33), 89A, 24, B, 33, c.42, D, 56, choose B (1 + (- 1)) / 3 = 0 (0 + (- 3)) / 3 = - 1 (- 3 +?) / 3 = 10 = 33, between the adjacent three terms, the sum of the former term plus the latter term divided by 3 equals the middle term“

2.21,28,33,42,43,60, () a.45 b.56 c.75 d.92,
Calculation problem
2.21,28,33,42,43,60,( )
A.45 B.56 C.75 D.92
How to calculate this question,

21 28 33 42 43 60 ( 45 )
+7 + 5 +9 +1 +17 ( -15)
-2 +4 -8 +16 (-32)

16, 18, 21, 26, 33, ()? A.44 b.48 c.52 d.56

The number in this column is prime number: 2, 3, 5, 7, then 11, so the last number is 33 + 11 = 44, choose a

A simple calculation method of 179 + 56-60 + 21

Original formula = (179 + 21) + 56 - (56 + 4)
Thank you



What is the quotient of the reciprocal of 4 divided by the difference between 11 / 12 and 5 / 9


The quotient of the least common multiple of AB divided by their greatest common divisor is 12. If the difference between AB and ab is 18, what are the two numbers?

It's not easy. I can figure out a 54 and a 72
The product of two prime numbers is 12, which is 3 and 4. Multiply by 18 to pull