51 square centimeter = how many square meters? 81 kg = how many tons? 41 points = when? 17 Jiao = what and how many yuan?

51 square centimeter = how many square meters? 81 kg = how many tons? 41 points = when? 17 Jiao = what and how many yuan?

51 square centimeters = 51 square meters in 10000; 81 kg = 81 tons in 1000; 41 points = 41 in 60; 17 Jiao = 1 and 7 in 10? Please accept. If you agree with my answer, please accept it in time. ~ if you agree with my answer, please click the [accept as satisfactory answer] button in time

Xiaohui can not only learn, but also arrange time to do housework well. Cooking, cooking and cleaning windows are all right. She is a good helper for her parents. One day when she comes home from school, she can complete all kinds of housework and the time required is shown in the figure. The time required for cleaning windows, washing dishes, washing rice cookers, cooking (with gas stove) and cleaning rice cookers (with electric cooker) to complete all kinds of housework is 5 minutes and 4 minutes It takes 3 minutes, 20 minutes and 30 minutes for Xiaohui to finish all the above housework, at least______ Minutes. (Note: the transfer time of each work is ignored)

Because it takes 30 minutes to clean the windows, wash the dishes and stir fry the dishes at the same time, Xiaohui needs at least 3 + 30 = 33 minutes to finish the above five housework

1. There is a residential building with 17 steps between every two floors. Li Ming runs from the first floor to the highest floor in one breath, and then returns from the highest floor
1. There is a residential building with 17 steps between every two floors. Li Ming runs from the first floor to the highest floor at one go, and then returns to the ground floor from the highest floor. He runs and counts at the same time, counting to 238 steps, so the building has () steps
2. 200 of - 0.25 × 201 of 4 = ()
3. 101 of (- 2) + 100 of (- 2) = ()

1. The building has 119 steps and 8 floors
2、 4
3. 100% of - 2

A, B, C three teachers undertake this semester's final exam question 17 online marking task, if one of the three independently complete the marking task, then a need 15 hours, B need 10 hours, C need 8 hours. (1) if a, B, C three people at the same time to change the paper, then how much time to complete? (2) If according to a, B, C, a, B, C How many hours does it take for each person in each round to complete the marking? (3) Can we adjust the order of a, B and C mentioned in question (2) and keep the rest unchanged so that we can finish the task at least half an hour earlier? (answer requirements: if you think you can't, explain the reason; if you think you can, please state at least one rotation order and find out how much time you can complete the marking task ahead of time.)

(1) A: the time required is 247 hours. (2) after n rounds, the task completed by three people in turn is 724n, from 724n ≤ 1 to n ≤ 247, because n is an integer, and the maximum value is 3. After 3 rounds, a needs to do the remaining task 324-115 = 7120 after 1 hour, and B needs to do 7120 △ 110 = 712 hours, which takes 3 × 3 + 1 + 712 = 10712 hours to complete the task (3) After three rounds, C finished the task 324-18 = 0 one hour later, just finished the task. It took 3 × 3 + 1 = 10 hours to complete the task. 10712-10 = 712 > 12 hours