Please help me with my salary The specific situation is as follows: we have a total of 4 days off (04.01-04.04) on Qingming Festival, 1.5 days off on weekdays, and half a day off in the afternoon of Saturday (03.31) before the holiday Now the company will deduct our wages for two days in April, only 0.5 days of overtime on Saturday. I always think it's wrong, but I can't refute it According to my opinion, we have 2.5 days at the weekend + Qingming Festival, which means we have 1.5 days more. But we have half day shift, so we should only deduct one day's salary. Even if the company makes up half day's salary on Saturday, we should also deduct 1.5 days instead of two days' salary this month! Trouble expert advice!

Please help me with my salary The specific situation is as follows: we have a total of 4 days off (04.01-04.04) on Qingming Festival, 1.5 days off on weekdays, and half a day off in the afternoon of Saturday (03.31) before the holiday Now the company will deduct our wages for two days in April, only 0.5 days of overtime on Saturday. I always think it's wrong, but I can't refute it According to my opinion, we have 2.5 days at the weekend + Qingming Festival, which means we have 1.5 days more. But we have half day shift, so we should only deduct one day's salary. Even if the company makes up half day's salary on Saturday, we should also deduct 1.5 days instead of two days' salary this month! Trouble expert advice!

There are four days off from April 1st to April 4th, except the normal days off on the 1st and 4th, the days off on the 2nd and 3rd are extra. Therefore, two days' salary will be deducted. On the afternoon of the 31st, you should rest and work overtime, so you will be paid half a day's salary. So the company's algorithm is right. Or according to your algorithm, it should start from the afternoon of the 31st. On the afternoon of the 31st + 4.1-4.4 (4 days) = 4.5 days, Normal leave is 1.5 + Qingming 1 day = 2.5 days. 4.5-2.5 = 2 days (extra rest). But on the afternoon of the 31st, I worked overtime, so I subsidized half a day's overtime and deducted 2 days' salary

Mathematical problems of wages
The salary of a salesman in a company is calculated as "base salary + commission + bonus". The base salary is 600 yuan per person per month, which is 10% of the total amount of products sold each month. If the amount of products sold in that month exceeds 10000 yuan, the bonus for the excess part is calculated as 2%, The monthly salary of the company's salesmen is not less than 2800 yuan, but not more than 4000 yuan. Can you know the total amount of each salesman's sales promotion in a month?

If the amount of sales promotion is more than 10000 yuan in the current month, the bonus will be calculated as 2%
If you also calculate the Commission
The functional relationship between salary (f) and sales promotion amount (x) is
F=600+x*0.1 (x10000)
Into 2800

There are a black ball and B white ball in bag a; there are n black balls and m white balls in bag B. first take any one ball from bag a and put it into bag B, then take any one ball from bag B. calculate (1), the probability that the last one is a black ball from bag B (2), the probability that the last one is a black ball from bag B and the previous one is a black ball from bag a

Finally, the probability of taking out the black ball from bag B: [n / (M + N + 1)] [B / (a + b)] + [(n + 1) / (M + N + 1)] [A / (a + b)]
It is known that the last one taken out from bag B is a black ball, while the previous one put into bag B from bag a is a black ball

Two mathematical probability and statistics questions, questions and answers

1. Bags a and B contain a number of uniform red and white balls. The probability of finding a red ball from a is 1 / 3, and the probability of finding a red ball from B is p. there is a touch ball put back from a, one at a time. If you touch the red ball three times, you will stop. Find the probability of just touching the red ball five times. A, just touching the red ball five times, that is to say, if you touch two in the first four times, touch one (2 / 3) ^ 2 * (1 / 3) ^ 2 * C (4,2) * 1 / 3
2. It is estimated that the probability of repairing units 1, 2, 3 and 4 in ten years is 1 / 2, 1 / 2, 1 / 2 and 3 / 5. Assuming that the four units can be repaired independently, the probability of one of the four units being repaired can be calculated. A, (1 / 2 * 1 / 2 * 1 / 2 * 2 / 5) * 3 + 1 / 2 * 1 / 2 * 1 / 2 * 3 / 5 = 9 / 40