8.82 × 15-100 15.8-718 + 14.2-1118 21.6-0.8 × 4 △ 0.8 × 4 335 × 3.7 + 3.6 + 5.3 × 335 2.5 × 4.4 (1.5 + 223) △ 3.75-23

8.82 × 15-100 15.8-718 + 14.2-1118 21.6-0.8 × 4 △ 0.8 × 4 335 × 3.7 + 3.6 + 5.3 × 335 2.5 × 4.4 (1.5 + 223) △ 3.75-23

(1)8.82×15-100=132.3-100=32.3;(2)15.8-718+14.2-1118=(15.8+14.2)-(718+1118)=30-1=29;(3)21.6-0.8×4÷0.8×4=21.6-3.2÷0.8×4=21.6-4×4=21.6-16=5.6;(4)335×3.7+3.6+5.3×335=335×3.7+335×1+5.3×335=335×(3.7+1+5.3)=335×10=36;(5)2.5×4.4=2.5×(4+0.4)=2.5×4+2.5×0.4=10+1=11;(6)(1.5+223)÷3.75-23= 256÷3.75-23=256×415-23=109-23=49.

1. Fill in the form
Principal / yuan deposit period (lump sum deposit and withdrawal) annual interest rate tax rate due interest / yuan
1 000 1 4.14% 5%——————
1000 2 years 5.40% 5%——————
1000 3 years 5.85% 5%——————
Write each empty formula


The second power of 2012 - the second power of 20110

Original formula = (2012-2011) * (2012 + 2011) of 2011