A. B, C, D and e guess their math scores A. B, C, D and e guess their math scores A said, "if I get the best, then B gets the best B said, "if I get the best, so does C C said, "if I get the best, then d gets the best D said, "if I get the best, then E also gets the best No one was wrong, but only three people got the best. Which three did they ask? Everybody says it's CDE, but if C is, isn't b?

A. B, C, D and e guess their math scores A. B, C, D and e guess their math scores A said, "if I get the best, then B gets the best B said, "if I get the best, so does C C said, "if I get the best, then d gets the best D said, "if I get the best, then E also gets the best No one was wrong, but only three people got the best. Which three did they ask? Everybody says it's CDE, but if C is, isn't b?

To the contrary:
Suppose that a is excellent. If so, it is contradictory; therefore, a is not excellent
If B is superior, BCDE is superior. It is also contradictory, so B is not superior
Then it can only be CDE excellent
If P then q; if Q then P

A, B, C, D four students guess their math scores. A says that if I get an excellent B, I also get an excellent B. If I get an excellent C, I also get an excellent C. If I get an excellent D, I also get an excellent D
As a result, no one was wrong, but only 2 people got the best. Who got the best?

If a was excellent, then a, B, C and D were excellent;
If B was excellent, B, C and D were excellent;
If C was excellent, C and D were excellent;
Therefore, only 2 people's excellent, can only be C, D got excellent