3x-4y = 12 and 9x + ay = B have infinite solutions, find a and B! Quick search

3x-4y = 12 and 9x + ay = B have infinite solutions, find a and B! Quick search

The topic says that there are infinite solutions, it tells you that these two formulas are actually one formula, that is to say, the second formula can be solved into the first formula. It should be considered from the perspective of multiple

Why is the solution of the equation system 2x + ay = 4x + 4Y = 8 a positive number?

By eliminating x, we can get (8-A) y = 12, | y = 128-a, then we can get x = 16-8a8-a. to make its solution X and Y positive, we must have 16-8a8-a > 0128-a > 0, that is, we must have 16-8a > 08-A > 0. | a < 2