Let the inequality x ^ 4 + 6x ^ 2 + a > 4x ^ 3 + 8x hold for all real numbers X. try to determine the value range of A

Let the inequality x ^ 4 + 6x ^ 2 + a > 4x ^ 3 + 8x hold for all real numbers X. try to determine the value range of A

The minimum value of (X & sup2; + 2) (X-2) & sup2; is 0,
In order for the original inequality to hold, it must be 8-A, which is smaller than the minimum value of (X & sup2; + 2) (X-2) & sup2;, that is 8-a8

It is proved that the value of X & # 178; - 8x + 22 is always greater than 0 X & # 178; - 8x + 22 > 0 (x-4) > - 6

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It is proved that the value of - 9x + 8x-2 is always less than 0

One qx2 + 8x-2 + 16-16 = 0

It is proved that the square of (1) - 9x + 8x-2 is always less than 0
