There is a three digit number, the number on the ten digit is equal to the sum of the number on the one digit and the number on the hundred digit, and the number on the one digit and the number on the ten digit (Continued) The sum of words is equal to 8, and the new three digit number obtained by the exchange of the number on the hundred and the number on the individual is 99 larger than the original three digit number

There is a three digit number, the number on the ten digit is equal to the sum of the number on the one digit and the number on the hundred digit, and the number on the one digit and the number on the ten digit (Continued) The sum of words is equal to 8, and the new three digit number obtained by the exchange of the number on the hundred and the number on the individual is 99 larger than the original three digit number

Let this three digit number be ABC
Therefore, B = a + C, B + C = 8, CBA ABC = 99
This three digit number is 253

For a three digit number, the single digit number is 3. If the single digit number is changed to a hundred digit number, the original hundred digit number is changed to a ten digit number, and the original ten digit number is changed to a single digit number, the result will be 3
The number is 171 less than the original number. What is the original number?

If the original number is XY3, then
300+10X+Y -171 = 100X+10Y+3
X=1 ,Y=4
So the original number was 143