For a two digit number, the number on the ten digit number is one less than three times the number on the one digit number. If the order of two digits is reversed, the two digit number obtained is 27 less than the original two digit number Find the original 2 digits

For a two digit number, the number on the ten digit number is one less than three times the number on the one digit number. If the order of two digits is reversed, the two digit number obtained is 27 less than the original two digit number Find the original 2 digits

Suppose that the original 2-digit number is x, then the 10 digit number is 3x - 1
The new two digit number is 3x - 1 and the ten digit number is X
10(3x - 1) + x = 10x + 3x - 1 + 27
30x - 10 + x = 13x + 26
18x = 36
x = 2
So tens = 3x - 1 = 5
So the original 2-digit number was 52

1. Reverse the order of a four digit number to get a new four digit number,
There is a four digit number without zero and the numbers are different. It is better than the new number

Let the maximum number be 1000A + 100b + 10C + D, (9 = > a > b > C > d > = 1), and the original number be x, then the minimum number is 1000D + 100C + 10d + a

The sum of the new number and the original number is 585. Find the three digit number

Let the number of hundreds be x, the number of hundreds is 1 less than the number of tens, then the number of tens is x + 1, and the number of tens is 2 less than the number of tens, then the number of tens is X-1. The original number can be expressed as X (x + 1) (x-1) reversed, and the sum of the new number and the original number is 585